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February 25, 2008 [posted]

PubMed® Alerts: E-mail Notification of Major System Problems

nLM® now provides an e-mail notification service, PubMed Alerts, that will notify subscribers of major system problems with PubMed; its two companion databases, MeSH and Journals; and the NLM Catalog. If these databases have a significant service disruption affecting all or most users for a considerable amount of time, an alert will be issued. Alerts providing update and resolution information about a problem will be sent if warranted. This is an announcement-only e-mail notification service that will be most useful for heavy users of PubMed. (It does not include other services/databases, e.g., LinkOut, PubMed Central.) Alerts will be sent out by NLM Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Eastern Time (except Federal holidays). Anyone may subscribe:

PubMed® Alerts: E-mail Notification of Major System Problems. NLM Tech Bull. 2008 Jan-Feb; (360):e14.

  2008 JANUARY–FEBRUARY No. 360  
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