Papers of Daniel Nathans Added to Profiles in Science®
An extensive selection from the papers of molecular biologist Daniel Nathans (1928-1999) has been added to the NLM® Profiles in Science Web site under the Biomedical Research section.
The Daniel Nathans project is a collaboration with the Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives of The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, the repository of his papers. With this addition, the number of prominent researchers, public health officials, and promoters of medical research whose personal and professional records are presented on Profiles has grown to thirty.
"Dr. Nathans' work demonstrated the immense utility of restriction enzymes for genome analysis, and transformed molecular biology. Gene mapping, sequencing, cloning, and recombinant DNA technology would be inconceivable without the techniques he pioneered," said Donald A. B. Lindberg, MD, director of the National Library of Medicine® (NLM).

Papers of Daniel Nathans Added to Profiles in Science®. NLM Tech Bull. 2010 Jan-Feb;(372):e15.