NLM® Bookshelf Web Site Adds National Academies Reports
[Editor's Note: This is a reprint of an announcement published on the NLM Web site on February 2, 2010. To be notified of announcements like this, subscribe to NLM-Announces e-mail list.]
More than 70 reports by the National Academies are available online at the National Library of Medicine® (NLM) Bookshelf. The Academies collection will continue to grow, both as new reports are published and as NLM processes older reports dating back to 1995.
The reports include workshop summaries, as well as formal reports, that were funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and produced by the four organizations that comprise the National Academies: the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council .
The reports are produced under a contract between NIH and the National Academies that allows NIH to issue task orders to fund Academy activities to support the NIH mission. The contract enables NIH and the Academies to address pressing policy concerns, emerging health issues, and scientific opportunities, and to post resulting reports on the Bookshelf.
In order to provide the reports quickly, NLM initially makes the reports available in PDF format. As soon as possible, NLM makes available a final online HTML version of each report, with active links for references, glossary words, and other resources.
The Bookshelf, a searchable, online collection of biomedical books and other material, is produced by NLM, National Center for Biotechnology Information.

NLM® Bookshelf Web Site Adds National Academies Reports. NLM Tech Bull. 2010 Jan-Feb;(372):e18.