Bookshelf 2011
Bookshelf has a new homea newly redesigned homepage, that is. It also has a new display of search results, new limits features, and a new advanced search.
From the homepage, you can quickly get familiar with what Bookshelf has to offer with the Quick Start Guide, tutorials, and more. Copyright information as well as information for authors, publishers, and librarians is easily accessible.
In addition to new titles which have recently been added to Bookshelf, we now also highlight "Featured Titles", handpicked by the Bookshelf team. For a list of all the content available in Bookshelf, click on "Browse Titles" (see Figure 1).
The Browse Titles page allows you to easily peruse the list of titles and find a title of interest (see Figure 2).
Results containing the search term are shown grouped by book (see Figure 3). You can click to see the results within a book, or go to the table of contents. You can also use the "Display Settings" to view results by relevance (see Figure 4). Results for a book are displayed in order of relevance to the search term (see Figure 5). There are also options to send selected items to a file, e-mail, or clipboard; and recent activity and search details can also be viewed; these features are in common with PubMed®.
Moving on to Limits, available through a link above the search bar (see Figure 6), you are now able to limit the search results in a number of ways, including the date of publication, the type of resource (e.g., documentation) and to subject matter (see Figure 7). One of the new limits enables you to limit your search results to glossaries, which is particularly useful when you want to find a definition of a search term.
The Books Advanced search offers you more powerful search options (see Figure 8). These include previewing the number of results, and refining the search by adding additional terms either by typing in search terms or using the search builder which has a dropdown menu of search fields, such as author, editor, and title (see Figure 9). At the bottom of the page, the search history is displayed.
And finally, at any point, you can click on "Details" to see how the search term was translated, and then click on "URL" to display the URL of the search (see Figure 10).
As always, Bookshelf continues to add new titles. If you have not already, be sure to sign up for the Bookshelf RSS feed to hear about our new releases.

Dean L, Hoeppner M. Bookshelf 2011. NLM Tech Bull. 2011 Jan-Feb;(378):e8.