New Search and Display Options Available in the Journals Database
[Editor's Note: This feature was implemented in PubMed on March 29, 2006.]

t he Entrez Journals Database will soon include new options for searching, an additional display format, and an expanded Full format. The new search options are Subject Terms and Currently Indexed in MEDLINE®. These new options will be searchable from the Limits screen, Preview/Index, or directly in the query box. An XML format will be available as a display option. The Full display format has been given a new look and also expanded to include the Subject Terms and additional information available about the journal displayed in "Continuation Notes" (see Figure 1).
Currently Indexed
Currently Indexed means MeSH® terms will be assigned to citations for articles within scope for MEDLINE. Use the check box on the Journals Database Limits page to limit a search to journals that are currently indexed for MEDLINE(see Figure 2). These records may also be searched by adding the string AND currentlyindexed to a search query. For example:
nursing AND currentlyindexed
While this can be searched, this information is not displayed on Journals Database records.
Subject Term [st]
Subject Terms are assigned by NLM® at the journal level to describe the journal's overall scope. The search tag for this new field is [st]. The Subject Terms will display in the Full and the XML (as <BroadJournalHeading>) display formats. The complete list of terms is available at the Journal Subject Terms Web page. For example, searching for the non-tagged term pediatrics in the Journals database, will now retrieve all journals that include the word pediatrics in the title as well as journals with the Subject Term, Pediatrics.

Tybaert S., Ruiz N. New Search and Display Options Available in the Journals Database. NLM Tech Bull. 2006 Mar-Apr;(349):e4.