Technical Notes
NLM® ChemIDplus Adds New Searching Features
[Editor's Note: This Technical Note is a reprint of an announcement published on NLM-Tox-Enviro-Health-L, an e-mail announcement list available from the NLM Division of Specialized Information Services. To subscribe to this list, please see the NLM-TOX-ENVIRO-HEALTH-L Join, Leave, or Change Options [Link removed] page.]
The National Library of Medicine ChemIDplus has added new structure searching features to its Advanced search page:
** "Exact (parent only)" searches for exactly what is drawn or transferred to the structure box, with all the structure's atoms and bonds identical in the retrieved compound.
** "Flex" and "Flexplus" search for records containing a parent structure plus additional components (salts, hydrates, or mixtures with other chemicals).
Example: Searching "Aleve" (naproxen) via "Exact (parent only)" retrieves one record. Searching "Aleve" via "Flex/Flexplus" retrieves nine records (the parent naproxen record, and seven other salts and mixtures of naproxen).
More information about these search features can be found in the Help section of ChemIDplus Advanced [Link removed].