Library Icon Position on PubMed® AbstractPlus

w e are pleased to announce that the AbstractPlus Display in PubMed has been updated to include one library icon above the list of Related Links (see Figure 1).
In order for a library icon to be displayed in the new location, the icon must be no larger than 100 pixels wide by 25 pixels high. Other library icons will continue to be displayed near the PMID area. Library icons will still need to be activated by a special URL or selected in My NCBI to be visible in the Abstract, AbstractPlus and Citation displays.
If users activate more than one icon, the icon displayed at the top will be selected according to the following priority:
- Library LinkOut full text icon
- Library LinkOut print icon
- Outside Tool icon
Information regarding this change was published in the article PubMed's® AbstractPlus Display: Success and Changes. NLM Tech Bull. 2006 Sep-Oct;(352):e6.
Please send any questions or comments to

Library Icon Position on PubMed's® AbstractPlus. NLM Tech Bull. 2007 Mar-Apr; (355):e8.