2009 MLA Meeting Reminder and NLM® Invitation
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The Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association (MLA) will be held May 15-20, 2009 in Honolulu, HI at the Hawaii Convention Center. Attendees are invited to visit the NLM exhibit booth #704 (May 16-19) to meet NLM staff and see NLM Web products and services. The NLM Theater at the booth will feature demonstrations and tutorials on a wide variety of topics. Please see the NLM Theater schedule.
Mark Your MLA Calendars
Monday, May 18 (6:30 am-7:30 am)
NLM Online Users' Meeting "Sunrise Seminar"
Location: Convention Center, Room 318A-B
NLM staff will highlight recent accomplishments and indicate new developments in a variety of online systems, including MEDLINE®/PubMed®, MedlinePlus® and DOCLINE®.
Tuesday, May 19 (7:30 am-8:30 am)
Open Forum: NIH Public Access Policy
Location: Convention Center, Room 317B
Are you interested in learning how well the NIH Public Access Policy is working? Do you understand how to help your patrons comply with this important government mandate, and how it may impact your library? Come and hear Neil Thakur, Office of the Director, Office of Extramural Research, NIH, Bethesda, MD answer questions collected in advance from librarians. Bring your own questions for a panel of experts including David Gillikin, Bibliographic Services Division, NLM, Bethesda, MD; Pat Thibodeau, Duke Medical Center Library; Karen Butter, University of California, San Francisco, CA; and Karen Albert, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA. MLA's Governmental Relations Committee Chair, Hope Barton, will also provide an update on association activities that helped support a provision in the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009 that makes the NIH Public Access Policy permanent.
Tuesday, May 19 (9:00 am-10:00 am)
NLM Update
Location: Convention Center, Kalakaua Ballroom A-B
Dr. Donald A.B. Lindberg, Director
Sheldon Kotzin, Associate Director for Library Operations
Stacey Arnesen, Head, Disaster Information Management Research Center
Sunday, May 17 (6:00 pm-7:30 pm)
Hospital Libraries Section Business Meeting and Connection Reception & Friends of the National Library of Medicine (FNLM) Reception
Location: Hilton Hawaiian Village, Tapa Ballroom 1
Ticketed event.
No charge for Hospital Libraries Section (HLS) members; $20.00 for non-HLS members.
Select this joint event when registering for MLA '09.
Further details available at: http://mlanet.org/am/am2009/events/events.html#sunday
- Informal Meetings
Sunday, May 17 (7:00 am-8:00 am)
MedlinePlus Go Local Discussion Session
Location: Convention Center, Room 309
Meeting is for current and potential Go Local Participants. This is an opportunity to meet other participants, discuss issues, and ask questions.
Monday, May 18 (2:00 pm-3:00pm)
National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Southwest Region: E-licensing Collaborative with the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium
Location: Convention Center, Room 325A-B
Convener: Julie Kwan, NN/LM, Pacific Southwest Region, UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library, Los Angeles, CA
Continuing Education Classes
While at the meeting in Honolulu, consider taking an MLA continuing education class taught by National Network of Libraries of Medicine® (NN/LM®) staff:
- Friday, May 15 (7:00 am-11:00 am)
Getting Started with Information Outreach in Minority Communities
CE 200
Instructor: Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, NN/LM, MidContinental Region, Health Sciences Library, Creighton University, Omaha, NE
- Saturday, May 16 (7:00 am-11:00 am)
Library Director: Knowledge, Skills, and Career Path
CE 203
Instructors: James Shedlock, Galter Health Sciences Library, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL; Carol Jenkins, Health Sciences Library, University of North CarolinaChapel Hill; and M.J. Tooey, Health Sciences and Human Services Library, University of MarylandBaltimore
Further course details are available at http://mlanet.org/am/am2009/ce/.
Section-Sponsored Programming
NLM and NN/LM staff will also be participating in the following MLA sessions:
- Sunday, May 17 (11:00 am-12:30 pm)
- Session Title: Librarian Toolkit
Topic: Infusing Health Sciences Libraries with Economic Muscle
Speakers: NN/LM MidContinental Region staff: Elizabeth Kelly, Becker Medical Library, Washington University, St. Louis, MO; Barbara Jones, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO; and John Bramble, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Location: Convention Center, Room 318A-B
- Session Title: Training the Trainer
Topic: Training the Trainer
Speakers: Lisa M. Boyd, National Network Office, NLM, Bethesda, MD; James Dale Prince, NN/LM, Southeastern/Atlantic Region, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD; and Robert Harris, Instructional Trainer, American Red Cross, Honolulu, HI
Location: Convention Center, Room 304A-B
- Monday, May 18 (10:30 am-12:00 pm)
- Session Title: Fusing Information and Preparation in Times of Devastation
Topic: Fusing Information and Preparation in Times of Devastation
Speakers: Janice E. Kelly, NN/LM, Southeastern/Atlantic Region, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD; Renee Bougard, National Network Office, NLM, Bethesda, MD; Stacey Arnesen, Disaster Information Management Research Center, NLM, Bethesda, MD; and Michelynn McKnight, School of Library and Information Services; Louisana State University, Baton, Rouge, LA
Location: Convention Center, Room 301B
- Session Title: Fusing Interdisciplinary Expertise in the Workplace
Topic: The National Library of Medicine's Approach to Interdisciplinarity in the Workforce
Speaker: Sheldon Kotzin, Library Operations, NLM, Bethesda, MD
Location: Convention Center, Room 319B
- Session Title: Technology and E-resources: Evolving with the Times
Topic: Technology and E-resource Selection: Evolving with the Times
Speakers: Lori Klein, Public Services Division, NLM, Bethesda, MD; Dean James, HAM-TMC Library, Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center, Houston, TX; and E. Diane Johnson, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Location: Convention Center, Room 304A-B
- Tuesday, May 19 (1:00 pm-2:30 pm)
- Session Title: Promotion and Development Fusions for Special Collections
Topic: Old Wine in New Bottles: Digital Projects from the National Library of Medicine's History of Medicine Division
Speaker: Stephen Greenberg, History of Medicine Division, NLM, Bethesda, MD
Location: Convention Center, Room 301A
- Session Title: The Healthy Library: Creating a Culture of Wellness
Topic: The Healthy Library: Creating a Culture of Wellness
Speakers: Mary Ryan, UAMS Library, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR; Loreine Roy, School of Information, University of Texas, Austin, TX; Carol Ann Attwood, Patient and Health Education Library, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ; and Kelli Ham, NN/LM, Pacific Southwest Region, Louise Darling Biomedical Library, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Location: Convention Center, Room 318A-B
More information about these sessions is available at the MLA '09 Annual Meeting Web site at http://www.mlanet.org/am/am2009/events/index.html. Click on the link, "Online Program Planner"; then click on the Browse link.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Library of Medicine (NLM), and NN/LM staff will be presenting the following posters at MLA:
Sunday, May 17 (2:30 pm-3:30 pm)
International Posters
Location: Convention Center, Kamehameha Hall II & III
- Topic: East-West Medicine Pilot Project at the University of California-Los Angeles: Exploring a New Model for Integrative Medical Information Services
Presentation Number: 2
Presenters: Weiyu Fan, Library of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Institute of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing, China; Tania Bardyn, Public Services and Judy Consales, Director, Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library; and Ka-Kit Hui, Center for East-West Medicine, the David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Sunday, May 17 (2:30 pm-3:30 pm)
Poster Session 1
Location: Convention Center, Hall of Exhibits
- Topic: Creating a Framework for Collaborative Regional Library Research
Presentation Number: 88
Presenters: Deborah H. Ward, MaryEllen C. Sievert, and Barbara Jones, NN/LM, MidContinental Region, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
- Topic: Volunteering and Community Service on Campus
Presentation Number: 97
Presenters: Alexa A. Mayo, Tierney Lyons, Paula Raimondo, and M.J. Tooey, NN/LM, Southeastern/Atlantic Region, Health Sciences and Human Services Library, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
Topic: Native American Models of Colocated Traditional and Western Healing
Presentation Number: 109
Presenters: Frederick B. Wood, Science Program Leader; Elliot R. Siegel, Health Information Programs Development; Gale A. Dutcher, Specialized Information Services Division, Bethesda, NIH, MD; and Robert A. Logan, Communications and Public Liaison, NLM, Bethesda, MD
- Topic: New Populations: An Information Needs Assessment of Refugee Health Professionals
Presentation Number: 112
Presenters: Kate W. Flewelling, NLM 2nd Year Associate Fellow, Health Sciences Library, Inova Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church, VA; Stacey J. Arnesen, Disaster Information Management Research Center, Specialized Information Services Division, NLM, Bethesda, MD; Gale A. Dutcher, Specialized Information Services Division, NLM, Bethesda, MD; and John C. Scott, Refugee Health Information Network, Center for Public Service Communications, Arlington, VA
- Topic: iNeeds: A Needs and Assets Assessment of the Health Information Literacy of Master's of Public Health Students
Presentation Number: 115
Presenter: Joey Nicholson, National Training Center and Clearinghouse, New York Academy of Medicine, New York, NY
- Topic: 2+2=5: Creating Synergy: Fusing Health Literacy Efforts of Medical Librarians and Physician Assistants
Presentation Number: 127
Presenters: Patricia J. Devine, NN/LM, Pacific Northwest Region, Seattle, WA; and James E. Anderson, Department of Orthopedics, Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA
- Topic: Disaster Information Specialist: An Emerging Subject Specialty for Informationists?
Presentation Number: 154
Presenters: Cynthia B. Love, Disaster Information Management Research Center, Specialized Information Services Division, NLM, Bethesda, MD; Colleen Cuddy, Ehrman Medical Library, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY; Tahirih Fusscas, E. R. Stitt Library, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, MD; Alicia A. Livinski, NIH Library, NIH, Bethesda, MD; Patricia Reynolds, Bishopric Medical Library, Sarasota Memorial Hospital, Sarasota, FL; Brittany Rice, Medical Library, Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, MD; and Alison E. Rollins and Linda M. Spitzer, James A. Zimble Learning Resources Center, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD
Monday, May 18 (1:30 pm-2:30 pm)
Poster Session 2
Location: Convention Center, Hall of Exhibits
- Topic: Language Fusions: Development of an Online Multiple Language Consumer Health Information Collection
Presentation Number: 5
Presenters: Linda Ferguson, Contractor and Loren Frant, Health Information Products Unit, Reference and Web Services Section, Public Services Division, NLM, Bethesda, MD
- Topic: Selective Sampling of the National Library of Medicine's Coverage of Disaster-related Gray Literature on the Web
Presentation Number: 8
Presenter: Emily J. Vardell, NLM 2nd Year Associate Fellow, Health Sciences Library, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
- Topic: Mapping Information Literacy: Using Concept Mapping to Understand Nurses' Sources of Health Information
Presentation Number: 62
Presenters: Louise C. Miller, Sinclair School of Nursing; Barbara Jones, NN/LM, MidContinental Region; and Rebecca S. Graves and MaryEllen Sievert, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
- Topic: Disaster Preparedness Informationist: A Team Approach
Presentation Number: 80
Presenters: Colleen Cuddy, NYU Health Sciences Libraries; Karen Brewer, NN/LM Middle Atlantic Region, NYU Health Sciences Libraries; Miguel Figueroa, NN/LM Middle Atlantic Region, NYU Health Sciences Libraries; Emily Molanphy, Stuart Spore, Richard McGowan, NYU Health Sciences Libraries; and Carol Swain, NYU Health Sciences Libraries; New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY
- Topic: Adjusting Flight Plans in Midair: Taking Off with a New Clinical Informationist Program
Presentation Number: 86
Presenters: Sheila Green, Deborah Halsted, and Elizabeth Eaton, HAM-TMC Library, Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center, Houston, TX
- Topic: A Regional Advocacy Program for Hospital Librarians
Presentation Number: 119
Presenters: Janice E. Kelly and Toni C. Yancey, NN/LM Southeastern/Atlantic Region, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD - Topic: Fusion of Librarians and Docs for Health
Presentation Number: 122
Presenters: Brenda M. Linares, NLM 2nd Year Associate Fellow, Louis Calder Memorial Library, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, FL; and Yanira Garcia-Barcena, Suzetta Burrows, and Mary Moore, Louis Calder Memorial Library, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, FL
Tuesday, May 19 (10 am-11 am)
Poster Session 3
Location: Convention Center, Hall of Exhibits
- Topic: Fusing and Collaborating: A Joint Library Project on Google Docs
Presentation Number: 48
Presenters: Marty Magee, NN/LM, MidContinental Region and Marie Reidelbach, McGoogan Library of Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
- Topic: Local Libraries' Emergency Preparedness Partnership Ensures Mutual Aid and Promotes Disaster Information Outreach
Presentation Number: 93
Presenters: Cynthia B. Love, Disaster Information Management Research Center, Specialized Information Services Division, NLM, Bethesda, MD; Tahirih Fusscas, E.R. Stitt Library, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, MD; Alicia A. Livinski, NIH Library, NIH, Bethesda, MD; Brittany Rice, Medical Library, Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, MD; and Alison E. Rollins and Linda M. Spitzer, James A. Zimble Learning Resource Center, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD
- Topic: Nurses and Librarians Collaborating for Better Health
Presentation Number: 108
Presenters: Louise C. Miller, Sinclair School of Nursing; Barbara Jones, NN/LM, MidContinental Region; Rebecca S. Graves and MaryEllen Sievert, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Tuesday, May 19, 10 am-11 am
Late-Breaking Posters
Location: Convention Center, Kamehameha Hall II & III
- Topic: Evaluation of "13 Things": A Learning 2.0 Self Discovery Class
Presentation Number: 169
Presenters: Sharon Dennis, NN/LM, Pacific Southwest & MidContinental Regions, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; Rebecca Brown, NN/LM, MidContinental Region, Dykes Library, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS; and Susan Roberts, NN/LM, MidContinental Region, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
- Topic: An Analysis of Database Searching Classes in Support of the National Institutes of Health Nursing and Patient Care Services Evidence-based Practice Initiative
Presentation Number: 173
Presenter: Judith Welsh, NIH Library, NIH, Bethesda, MD
- Topic: What Happens When Journals Move from Print to Electronic Only?
Presentation Number: 176
Presenters: Amy Donahue, NLM Associate Fellow, NLM, Bethesda, MD
- Topic: Fusing the Gap between Intentions and Reality: A Study of Distance Learning Drop-outs
Presentation Number: 179
Presenters: Terri Ottosen and Sheila L. Snow-Croft, NN/LM, Southeastern/Atlantic Region, Health Sciences and Human Services Library, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
- Topic: Emergency Access Initiative: A Partnership for Emergency Access to Biomedical Literature
Presentation Number: 182
Presenter: Maria Elizabeth Collins, Collection Access Section, NLM, Bethesda, MD
More poster information is available at the MLA '09 Annual Meeting Web site at http://www.mlanet.org/am/am2009/events/index.html. Click on the link, "Online Program Planner"; then click on the Browse link.
NLM Theater Schedule Booth 704 A PDF version of the NLM Theater handout is available at: //www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibits/mla/2009/Print_MLA_09_theater_flyer.pdf |
Sunday, May 17 | |
11:00 am | Health Services Research & Public Health: What's Happening? |
11:30 am | MyMedicationList |
Noon | Medicare/Medicaid Resources for the Consumer Health Librarian |
12:30 pm | NIH Manuscript Submission System & PubMed Central (PMC) Update |
1:00 pm | Environmental Health, Toxicology, & Disaster Health Update |
1:30 pm | MedlinePlus & Go Local Update |
2:00 pm | PubMed |
2:30 pm | LinkOut® Update |
3:00 pm | Journals Database Did You Know? |
Monday, May 18 | |
9:00 am | Medicare/Medicaid Resources for the Consumer Health Librarian |
9:30 am | Health Services Research & Public Health: What's Happening? |
10:00 am | ClinicalTrials.gov Update |
10:30 am | NIH Manuscript Submission System & PMC Update |
11:00 am | MedlinePlus & Go Local Update |
11:30 am | Journals Database Did You Know? |
1:30 pm | LinkOut Update |
2:00 pm | PubMed |
2:30 pm | Environmental Health, Toxicology, & Disaster Health Update |
Tuesday, May 19 | |
8:30 am | PubMed |
10:00 am | MyMedicationList |
10:30 am | LinkOut Update |
11:00 am | Journals Database Did You Know? |
11:30 am | ClinicalTrials.gov Update |
Join Us
Please join us at these events! Additional information or changes to this information will be announced in the NLM Technical Bulletin.

Zipser J. 2009 MLA Meeting Reminder and NLM® Invitation. NLM Tech Bull. 2009 Mar-Apr;(367):e1.