NLM® Invites the Media to Follow it on Twitter
[Editor's Note: This is a reprint of an announcement published on the NLM Web site on March 5, 2010. To be notified of announcements like this subscribe to NLM-Announces e-mail list.]
News Feed Will Link to the Latest on Health IT, Online Resources and Much More
The National Library of Medicine® (NLM), a longtime leader in harnessing information technology to improve the public health, announces the creation of a Twitter feed, to spread news, information and important links primarily to members of the news media. The feed may be found on Twitter at nlm_newsroom. NLM is a component of the National Institutes of Health.
"We recognize that social media sites are an important and essential way to further enhance the role of NLM in the 21st century," observed NLM Director Dr. Donald A.B. Lindberg. "The public, and journalists in particular, are turning to outlets such as Twitter as gateways to understanding and further exploration."
NLM, the world's largest biomedical library and the developer of electronic information services, delivers trillions of bytes of data to millions of users daily.
Every day 3.5 terabytes of data are downloaded to users. By making research results - from DNA sequences to clinical trials data to published scientific articles and consumer health information - readily available, the Library magnifies the positive impact of the NIH investment in the creation of new knowledge.
By organizing increasing amounts and types of biomedical and health information, NLM fuels new research discoveries, informs patient care decisions, helps people exert control over their health and health care, and aids disaster preparedness and response.

NLM® Invites the Media to Follow it on Twitter. NLM Tech Bull. 2010 Mar-Apr;(373):e4.