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National Library of Medicine Technical BulletinNational Library of Medicine Technical Bulletin

Table of Contents: 2015 MARCH–APRIL No. 403

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NLM Resource Update: NLM Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Update

NLM Resource Update: NLM Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Update. NLM Tech Bull. 2015 Mar-Apr;(402):b13.

2015 April 24 [posted]

[Editor's Note: This is a reprint of an announcement published on Toxicology and Environmental Health, an e-mail announcement list available from the NLM Division of Specialized Information Services. To subscribe to this list, please see the NLM Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Email Updates page.]


Both versions of TOXMAP—classic and beta—now include the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) 2013 National Analysis data, as well as recent cancer and disease mortality data from NCI SEER. This is the first version of the TOXMAP beta with health data, whereas mortality data in TOXMAP classic has been updated.

To view national county-level cancer and disease mortality data from 2007-2011 in TOXMAP beta, bring up the US Census & Health Data window and navigate to the Mortality tab. Two sub-tabs list cancer and disease mortality layers that can be overlaid on the map (one at a time).

TOXMAP maps the TRI chemicals reported to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), as required by the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA).

A complete list of TRI chemicals required to be reported to the EPA can be found on their Web site.


NLM Technical Bulletin National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health