Table of Contents: 2015 MARCH–APRIL No. 403
Canese K. New Name for PubMed Related Citations Discovery Tool. NLM Tech Bull. 2015 Mar-Apr;(403):e6.
[Editor's note: This change was implemented in PubMed on June 3, 2015.]
To be clearer, the PubMed "Related citations" feature will soon be renamed to "Similar articles." User interviews revealed confusion about the definition of the "Related citations" listed in the results set. "Similar articles" was chosen because "Related citations" is ambiguous. There are several types of relationships that articles may have. The algorithm to generate the results has not been modified.
The link name will be updated on the Summary results (see Figure 1).
The Abstract display discovery tool title will also be renamed (see Figure 2).
Kathi Canese
National Center for Biotechnology Information