Health Disparities Added to Special Queries
The NLM Special Queries page now includes a link to a new subject page on health disparities.
According to the National Cancer Institute, health disparities refer to differences between groups of people. These differences can affect how frequently a disease affects a group, how many people get sick, or how often the disease causes death.
The MEDLINE® /PubMed® Search and Health Disparities Information Resources page offers a PubMed search including subject terms and other keywords. Areas of coverage include health disparities and minority health research.
The strategy uses MeSH® headings to retrieve indexed citations, plus title and abstract words to obtain other unindexed citations.
This search retrieves literature in many languages and research from many countries. The search currently retrieves over 57,000 PubMed citations.
The resources page provides links to other health disparities resources such as links to U.S. Government agencies, associations, foundations, research centers and grant information.
Send your comments about this resource to or Contact NLM.
For more information on the Special Queries Resource in PubMed, see the article New Special Queries Resource in PubMed®. NLM TechBull. 2005 Mar-Apr;(343):e1.

Health Disparities Added to Special Queries. NLM Tech Bull. 2008 May-Jun; (362):e5.