PubMed® Clinical Queries Page Redesign
[Editor’s Note added on June 30, 2010: These changes were implemented in PubMed on June 30, 2010.]
The PubMed Clinical Queries page will soon be redesigned to filter one search by three clinical research areas: Clinical Study Categories, Systematic Reviews, and Medical Genetics (see Figure 1).
The Clinical Queries page has been reconfigured with columns to preview the first five citations of the results for the three research areas. The radio buttons for Clinical Study Categories and the checkboxes for Medical Genetics have been replaced with pull-down menus. While previewing results, you may make alternate menu selections for the Clinical Study Categories and Medical Genetics to modify those results of your search. Citations display in "Recently Added" order and link to the Abstract format in PubMed. "See all" links to the complete results.
Descriptions of the research areas appear under each column.
Canese K. PubMed® Clinical Queries Page Redesign. NLM Tech Bull. 2010 May-Jun;(374):e26.