New European Granting Organizations for MEDLINE®/PubMed®
Effective in the March-April 2010 timeframe, the National Library of Medicine® added four new granting organizations (granting organization/country of granting organization) for the Grant Number (GR) field in MEDLINE/PubMed:
- Austrian Science Research Fund/Austria
- Health Research Board/Ireland
- Science Foundation Ireland/Ireland
- Telethon/Italy
Grant information for these new organizations is only added to citations when there is an associated author manuscript deposited in the United Kingdom Manuscript Submission System (UKMSS) for UK PubMed Central. We do, however, add the Publication Type Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't if these organizations are acknowledged in the full text article. If these organizations are not mentioned in the full text and the grant data orginate only from the author manuscript input, then the PT is not added to the citiaton.
PubMed Display
Examples of how the new grant support information looks in PubMed (Abstract display):
- F 3403-B03/Austrian Science Research Fund/Austria
- P 18613-B05/Austrian Science Research Fund/Austria
- PD/2008/1/Health Research Board/Ireland
- RP/2007/197/Health Research Board/Ireland
- GGP08053/Telethon/Italy
- TCP07006/Telethon/Italy
When a grant number has been provided, it is displayed first followed by the organization name, and then the country name. Note that the name is spelled out in full for these organizations.
Searching Details
Search for these new granting organizations using either the full name or pieces of the name, e.g.:
- Austrian Science Research Fund [gr]
- Austrian Science [gr]
- Austrian [gr]
A search using the country name alone retrieves the same records as well because this is the only Austrian organization in the Grant Number field at this time, e.g.:
- Austria [gr]
Comprehensive searching for a grant number can be more complicated because the information is not necessarily reported in a standardized format. Include the country name or the organization name in the search to be sure that the results are for the correct organization of interest, especially if searching only on a number string, e.g.:
- 18613 [gr] AND austria [gr]
Publication Type (PT) Searching
The corresponding research support Publication Type (PT) for the four new organizations is Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't. NLM adds this PT based on the information found in the published journal article. If the grant information comes only from a manuscript deposited in PMC and the grant is not mentioned in the article, then the PT will not be added to the citation. The recommended PubMed search for non-U.S. Government funded research now is:
- research support, non-u.s. gov't [pt] OR united kingdom [gr] OR canada [gr] OR austria [gr] OR ireland [gr] OR italy [gr]
Be aware that grant numbers, along with the corresponding research support Publication Types, can appear on in process records.

Knecht LS, Tybaert S. New European Granting Organizations for MEDLINE®/PubMed®. NLM Tech Bull. 2010 May-Jun;(374):e19.