NTCC Educational Clearinghouse Merges with the MLA Educational Clearinghouse
The Educational Clearinghouse database at the National Training Center and Clearinghouse (NTCC) was launched on June 17, 2002 as a new service of the Training Center. The Clearinghouse database linked to educational materials created by the staff of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine® (NN/LM®) member libraries and the National Library of Medicine® (NLM®).
In recent years the staff of the NTCC, the NLM and the Medical Library Association (MLA) decided, because of duplication of effort and redundancies, to merge the NTCC Educational Clearinghouse database with the MLA Educational Clearinghouse which is open to both MLA members as well as non-members. To accommodate NTCC Clearinghouse records, the MLA Educational Clearinghouse now contains more than CE (Continuing Education) courses.
Merger Preparation
NTCC Clearinghouse resources are now found in the MLA Educational Clearinghouse. There are links to the MLA Clearinghouse on the NTCC Web site. The formats and fields of the two Clearinghouses were compared and changes to some fields and field values were made. A careful review and inventory of the NTCC Clearinghouse database were conducted and outdated resources were deleted.
Merged Database
The MLA Educational Clearinghouse is open to all and located at: http://cech.mlanet.org/.
The database has a Keyword Search box (A in Figure 1) and a link to the Advanced Search option (B in Figure 1) where additional limits are available (see Figure 2).
Take a look and find some creative and helpful resources.
Submit a Resource
To submit a resource to the Clearinghouse read the instructions and follow the links found on the homepage (C in Figure 1).
NLM thanks MLA for their cooperation on this project. Please use the link on the MLA Educational Clearinghouse homepage to send your questions or suggestions.

Zipser J, Cavanaugh D. NTCC Educational Clearinghouse Merges with the MLA Educational Clearinghouse. NLM Tech Bull. 2011 May-Jun;(380):e1.