Table of Contents: 2014 MAY–JUNE No. 398
Tybaert S. New Granting Organizations for MEDLINE/PubMed. NLM Tech Bull. 2014 May-Jun;(398):e1.
Effective May 2014, seven new granting organizations will be added for the Grant Number (GR) field found in MEDLINE/PubMed citations. These new organizations are from Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) and the Health Research Alliance (HRA).
Grant information for the Europe PMC organizations is added to citations based only on information reported to Europe PMC Plus system.
For Europe PMC, the two new organizations are:
Organization | Country |
National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research |
United Kingdom |
World Health Organization | International |
The five new HRA organizations are:
Organization | Country |
Donaghue Foundation | United States |
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation | United States |
Lymphoma Research Foundation | United States |
Parkinson’s Disease Foundation | United States |
Susan G. Komen | United States |
The funding information added to citations for these organizations will be coming from the NIH Manuscript Submission System (NIHMS) system and the Europe PMC Plus system only. Each of these granting organizations has its own grant number formats.
We recommend users search for the new granting organizations using the full name:
The PubMed Abstract display will show the funding information under Grant Support.
Grant Number Information Web Page Updated
The Grant Number Information Found in the GR Field in MEDLINE/PubMed Web Page has been updated to include the seven new funding organizations.
Sara Tybaert
MEDLARS Management Section