Technical Notes
OLDMEDLINE MeSH® Mapping Project
As explained in New Feature for OLDMEDLINE. NLM Tech Bull. 2005 Sep-Oct;(346):e1, NLM® began an OLDMEDLINE Other Term-to-MeSH mapping project. OLDMEDLINE Other Terms are the original subject headings assigned to the citations when they appeared in the print indexes. This project maps those terms to current MeSH vocabulary and will be maintained each year during year end processing. NLM estimates that approximately 92% of the OLDMEDLINE citations now have at least one MeSH term (86% of the Other Terms are mapped). All current MeSH headings added to these records have been added as major MeSH headings. Additional work on this project will continue. See the OLDMEDLINE description for more information about the MeSH Mapping Project and about searching OLDMEDLINE citations using MeSH.