Technical Notes
Licensees' Research Use of MEDLINE®/PubMed® Data
NLM® has created a freely accessible Web site containing summary-level information submitted by NLM's registered licensees about their MEDLINE/PubMed-related research projects. The site includes a brief description and summary of the licensee's research; citations and Web addresses of papers or related sites; and contact information, if permitted. The pages are organized alphabetically by licensees' organization or institution; personal name; country; and by research categories. The site is accessible at: [This link was removed on April 20, 2010, because it is no longer available.].
The overall purpose of the site is to assist in the advancement of science by enabling researchers to 1) be aware of research projects and results from use of NLM's MEDLINE/PubMed data and, 2) contact those who are willing to provide additional information and/or share outcomes of their research.
The Web site is updated at the discretion of NLM based on volume of submissions (licensees are not required to permit their information to be posted on the Web) and feedback.
Information about licensing MEDLINE/PubMed is available.