Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) News: UMLS Terminology Services (UTS) Beta Launch, 2010AB DVD Requests, 2010 Annual Report
The UMLS Terminology Services (UTS) beta version is available at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov. The UTS, which will soon replace the UMLSKS, includes a new license request interface and incorporates the browsing and API features of the UMLSKS. To retain access to UMLS-related applications and UMLS resources after the UMLSKS is retired, you will need to enter into a new UMLS Metathesaurus License with the National Library of Medicine® (NLM®).
UMLS Terminology Services (UTS) Beta Launch Details
- For instructions on requesting a license and accessing the UTS, see How to License and Access the Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) Data. License requests must be submitted through the new UTS interface. After NLM approves your license request, your UTS account is established.
- UTS accounts established during the beta launch period will remain active after the UMLSKS is retired (date to be announced).
- The UMLSKS will remain operational during the beta launch period. You may continue to use your current UMLSKS Login ID to browse and download UMLS and related terminology resources in the current UMLSKS.
- Each UTS account equates to only one username. Unlike the current UMLSKS, multiple people are not attached to a single license; each UTS user needs his own license and username.
- The UTS has a My Profile feature that lets you manage your account information.
- Application developers can verify the license status of their users.
- NLM will provide a RESTful interface that will allow developers to verify that users have an active license code. Application developers must be authorized distributors of UMLS data to use this service.
- More information is available under Technical in the Documentation menu.
- Online training resources for the UTS are available from the User Education section of the UMLS homepage.
DVD Requests
- You must have an active license through the new UTS interface to receive the UMLS 2010AB release DVD and future DVDs. 2010AB DVDs are expected to be available in mid-December.
- To request or cancel a DVD: Sign in to the UTS, click 'My Profile.' Click on ‘Edit Profile,' check or uncheck the box, 'I would like to receive a DVD containing the UMLS data.' Click 'Save Profile' to finish.
Annual Report
- The 2010 Annual Report will be completed through your UTS account. In December, NLM will e-mail instructions on fulfilling the reporting requirement to all users licensed through the UTS.
- The Annual Report is required per Section 5 of the Metathesaurus License Agreement. If the Annual Report is not completed by the deadline, you forfeit access to the UTS and your license will be terminated.
Questions and Concerns
NLM continues work to improve access to UMLS resources. Questions and comments about the UTS beta launch should be sent to Contact NLM> with the subject line "UTS Beta Launch."

Wilder V. Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) News: UMLS Terminology Services (UTS) Beta Launch, 2010AB DVD Requests, 2010 Annual Report. NLM Tech Bull. 2010 Nov-Dec;(377):e13.