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National Library of Medicine Technical BulletinNational Library of Medicine Technical Bulletin

Table of Contents: 2022 NOVEMBER–DECEMBER No. 449

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2023 MeSH Classes and Special Listening Session

2023 MeSH Classes and Special Listening Session. NLM Tech Bull. 2022 Nov-Dec;(449):b10.

2022 November 23 [posted]
2023 January 19 [Editor's note added] [Editor's note added] [Editor's note added]

[Editor's note added January 19, 2023: A recording of the 2023 MeSH Highlights Webinar is available.]

[Editor's note added February 08, 2023: A recording of the 2023 MeSH Changes and PubMed Searching Class is available.]

[Editor's note added February 10, 2023: A recording of the NLM Office Hours MeSH Special Listening Session is available.]

Please join the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the Network of the National Library Medicine (NNLM) Training Office for three events in January 2023. The events will introduce you to 2023 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), offer an opportunity to share feedback, and provide you with tips for how to adjust to MeSH changes in your PubMed searches and alerts.

  1. NLM Webinar: 2023 MeSH Highlights

    Join NLM staff for a highlight tour summarizing the changes for 2023 MeSH. The presentation will feature examples of new and updated terminology.

    Following the presentation, a panel of NLM Indexing and MeSH experts will be available to answer your questions.

    Date and time: Tuesday, January 10, 2023, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. EST
    Register here:

  2. NLM Office Hours Special Listening Session: MeSH

    Following our first NLM Office Hours Special Listening Session in June 2022, this event will continue the conversation on how NLM and our users can work together to update the MeSH vocabulary.

    Dianne Babski, NLM Associate Director for Library Operations and Dan Cho, Technical Information Specialist, NLM MeSH Team, will briefly discuss how NLM determines which new and updated terms are added to MeSH and share factors that impact the updates to MeSH.

    The remainder of the session will be reserved for attendees to share their feedback and ideas on future improvements to MeSH. Statements can be focused on these general categories:
    • What other feedback do you have about MeSH?
    • What should we consider reviewing? Why?

    We invite you to share feedback in advance by emailing with the subject line "MeSH Listening Session." Please include in the message your name and which pronouns we should use to refer to you when sharing your feedback during the session.

    A recording of the Listening Session will be made available following the event, along with a document summarizing feedback received before, during, and after the Listening Session.

    Date and time: Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. EST
    Register here:

  3. NNLM Class: MeSH Changes and PubMed Searching

    When MeSH is updated each year, your PubMed searches may be affected. Join us for "MeSH Changes and PubMed Searching" to learn:
    • How do MeSH changes affect your PubMed searches?
    • What happens when a term gets changed, added, or removed; or moved to a different part of the MeSH hierarchy?
    • How do you accommodate vocabulary changes over time in your comprehensive searches?
    • How do you check your saved searches and alerts?

    Date and time: Friday, January 27, 2023, 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EST
    Register here:

NLM Technical Bulletin National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health