Table of Contents: 2024 NOVEMBER–DECEMBER No. 461
Pharmacological Action Term Mapping in PubMed. NLM Tech Bull. 2024 Nov-Dec;(461):e2.
Searches in All Fields [all] for terms matching a Pharmacological Action now follow PubMed syntax rules for Automatic Term Mapping (ATM). For example, a phrase search for a term matching a Pharmacological Action now returns citations with the exact phrase only, and no longer returns additional citations indexed with substances (Supplementary Concepts and Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms) corresponding to the Pharmacological Action. This update does not affect searches using the Pharmacological Action [pa] search field tag, or searches where ATM applies and maps to a Pharmacological Action.
To learn more about searching with Pharmacological Actions in PubMed, please see the free training course "Drug and Chemical Information On Demand: Exploring New Drug Research," particularly Part 2: Drugs and Chemicals In MeSH and Part 3: Pharmacological Actions In-Depth.