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National Library of Medicine Technical BulletinNational Library of Medicine Technical Bulletin

Table of Contents: 2015 SEPTEMBER–OCTOBER No. 406

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"Write to the PubMed Help Desk" Customer Service Form Enhanced

"Write to the PubMed Help Desk" Form Enhanced. NLM Tech Bull. 2015 Sep-Oct;(406):e5.

2015 October 09 [posted]
2016 March 24 [Editor's note added]

[Editor's note: The NLM customer service form was updated in Spring 2016. See NLM Customer Service Forms Streamlined for additional information.]

On October 7, 2015, the "Write to the PubMed Help Desk" customer service form was revised (see NLM Customer Service Forms Streamlined).

Write to the PubMed Help Desk form
Figure 1: "Write to the PubMed Help Desk" customer service form.

The new form includes prompts to provide necessary request information. This information will enable NLM to address customer needs more efficiently. For example, the "What are you writing about?" line has a drop down list of options for a user to select. One choice is “Misspelling or error in PubMed.” If this option is selected, the form prompts the user for the PMID of the citation (see Figure 2). The form will display citation information for the user to confirm, and then require the "Current text in PubMed" and the "Correct text."

Prompt to enter the PMID of the citation that has a misspelling or error
Figure 2: Prompt to enter the PMID of the citation that has a misspelling or error.

The selected topic, along with the PMID information when provided, automates the routing of the question for appropriate review and action at NLM. There are also information buttons that link to explanations of related NLM policies.

NLM Technical Bulletin National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health