- BackFile Configuration for 1990. 1989 Oct:5
- BackFile Postings
- Changed in MESH.
- BackFiles.
1985 Jan:3; 1985
Nov:3; 1985
- 1990 MeSH Use.
1990 Jan:3
- Aliases Used in an OFFSEARCH.
1982 Dec:3
- Available Online.
1982 Oct:7
- B77 Online.
1981 Jan:5
- Comments (CM) Field Added.
1990 Apr:4
- Content Rearranged by
Year of publication (YR). 1988
- Creation.
1983 Oct:6
- Dates of Coverage.
1986 Oct:7; 1990
- Entry Date Ranges for
Yearly Segments.
1980 Jan:App; 1981
- Entry Month (EM) Added.
1985 Oct:6
- File Configuration.
1987 Nov:4; 1987
Oct:9; 1990
Sep-Oct:9; 1990
Feb:17; 1991
Jan-Feb:37; 1991
- GenBank Values Added.
1990 Mar:4
- ISSN (IS).
1991 Sep-Oct:9
- Journal Title Code.
1991 Sep-Oct:10
- MED Notations in Use.
1979 Jul:3
- MED83 to Cover 1983-1984.
- MEDLINE Name Changes.
1983 Nov:4
- MeSH Z Tree Number (ZN)
for Country of Publication.
1991 Sep-Oct:1
- Postings Field in MeSH
Vocabulary File.
1982 Nov:4
- SI (Secondary Source
ID) Field
- Title Abbreviation (TA).
1991 Sep-Oct:9
- Values for Human Gene
Mapping Library (HGML).
1990 Jan:4; 1990
- Year-End Processing.
1991 Sep-Oct:9
- BackFile Searching Using
Grateful Med - IBM Version
- Version 4.0 Without Also
Searching MEDLINE. 1989
- MED 66
- Entry Date Ranges for Yearly Segments. 1980 Jan:App; 1981 Feb:App
- Year Ranges. 1982 Oct:7
- MED 69 Absorbed by MED 66 1982 Oct:7
- MED 71
- Entry Date Ranges for Yearly Segments. 1980 Jan:App; 1981 Feb:App
- Year Ranges. 1982 Oct:7
- MED 72 Discontinued and Absorbed by MED 71. 1982 Oct:7
- MED 75
- Entry Date Ranges for Yearly Segments. 1980 Jan:App; 1981 Feb:App
- Year Ranges. 1982 Oct:7
- MED 77
- Availability. 1980 Jan:3
- Available Online. 1981 Jan:5
- Entry Date Ranges for Yearly Segments. 1980 Jan:App; 1981 Feb:App
- Year Ranges. 1982 Oct:7
- MED 79 Discontinued and Absorbed by MED 77. 1982 Oct:7
- MED80. 1985 Jan:3
- MED83
- Availability. 1985 Oct:7
- MED86
- New BackFile Created Dec 12, 1988. 1988 Nov:3
Back Issues in Hard Copy
(May 1969 - March-April 1993)
To obtain copies of issues prior to the May-June 1993 issue, send a message to custserv@nlm.nih.gov. Please include your mailing address and the issue that you wish to receive.
Beginning with the May-June 1996 issue of the NLM Technical Bulletin, information about indexed journal titles is no longer published in the Technical Bulletin.