- Aged, 80 and Over. 1987 Mar:17
- AND ENG vs AND NOT FOR vs TS (LA) ENG. 1988 Jul:12
- "at" Sign (@). 1983 Aug:5
- Author! Author! 1988 Jan:14
- BIOETHICSLINE Thesaurus. 1984 May:10
- Calling the MEDLARS Service Desk. 1988 Sep:10
- CATLINE, Finding Series. 1983 Aug:10
- Citations, Missing. 1983 Sep:15
- COMMENT Command. 1985 May:17
- Comments (CM) Field. 1989 Mar:14
- Cost-Effective Searching. 1983 Aug:7
- Date of Entry (DA). 1983 Apr:6
- Data form Abbreviations. 1983 Dec:7
- Diacritical Marks. 1996 Jul-Aug:13
- DIRLINE. 1983 Jul:9
- Effects of the Gene Symbol (GS) Field on MEDLARS Searching. 1992 Jan-Feb:78
- English Language, Limiting in TOXLINE. 1985 Mar:9
- EXPLODE Versus ALL. 1987 May:14
- FILES Command. 1987 Nov:20
- Geographic Searching in DIRLINE. 1986 Jun:9
- General Aspects of A Topic. 1985 Apr:14
- HEALTH. 1983 Mar:7
- Hedges. 1986 Aug:15
- Indexing Topics. 1986 May:13
- Integrated Community Health Care Systems. 1993 Sept-Oct:47
- Interleukin 2. 1986 Jan:7
- Limiting to English Language. 1984 Mar:7
- Limiting Retrieval to Articles with Abstracts. 1996 May-Jun:2
- MAIL=PROMPT. 1988 Feb:10
- Management Case Studies - Search Hint. 1996 Sep-Oct:8
- MEDLINE/HEALTH Dissimilarities. 1983 Dec:3
- MeSH Heading Suggestions. 1987 Jun:14
- MESH Vocabulary File in Alphabetical Order. 1987 Apr:15
- Multi-File Searching. 1991 May-Jun:3
- Multi-Meaning Message. 1985 Dec:14
- NEIGHBORing. 1985 Sep:21
- NHPIC Citations in HEALTH. 1983 May:10
- Numeric Data Element in CANCERLIT. 1985 Jun:12
- Nursing. 1985 Jul:20
- OFFSEARCH Purges. 1984 Jan:15
- One of the Pitfalls of ALL. 1989 Apr:10
Back Issues in Hard Copy
(May 1969 - March-April 1993)
To obtain copies of issues prior to the May-June 1993 issue, send a message to custserv@nlm.nih.gov. Please include your mailing address and the issue that you wish to receive.
Beginning with the May-June 1996 issue of the NLM Technical Bulletin, information about indexed journal titles is no longer published in the Technical Bulletin.