- 1991 New Subheadings. 1991 Jan-Feb:78
- 1991 Subheading Pre-Explosions. 1991 Jan-Feb:80; 1991 Jan-Feb:Appendix G
- 1992 Subheading Pre-Explosions. 1991 Sep-Oct:3;
1991 Sep-Oct:Appendix F
- Addition For Diagnosis. 1991 Sep-Oct:19
- Two NewLists. 1991 Sep-Oct:19
- add (SUBS ADD). 1981 Jul:3
- Annotations. 1993 Jan-Feb:12
- Biosynthesis. 1990 Nov-Dec:17
- Disallowed Subheadings in MEDLINE and HEALTH. 1991 Mar-Apr:14
- double form, AVLINE. 1980 Jul:7
- drug effect and ultrastructure can now be used with Nucleic Acids. 1987 Oct:11
- Epidemiology. 1990 Feb:83
- Expanded usage. 1990 Feb:68
- EXPLAIN commands available. 1988 May:15
- extended use. 1986 Dec:6;
1989 Feb:35
- Form Subheadings. 1993 Jan-Feb 1993 -13, 29
- Form subheadings for catalogers. 1990 Feb 90:67;
1992 Jan-Feb:77;
1992 Jan-Feb:Appendix N
- free-floating, searching. 1981 Mar:3
- Genetics - correction. 1990 Mar:5
- (HN) History Note field available. 1989 Feb:23
- In Annotations. 1993 Jan-Feb:11
- in CATLINE searching. 1980 Apr:5
- Metabolism - clarification of scope note. 1990 Nov-Dec:17
- New 1991. 1990 Sep-Oct:16
- pharmacodynamics replaced by: pharmacology. 1987 Oct:10
- Pharmacokinetics (PK) added. 1987 Oct:10
- Pre-explosions 1991. 1990 Sep-Oct:17
- Pre-explosions 1991. 1990 Sep-Oct:Appendix E
- Pre-Explosions 1994. 1993 Sept-Oct:Appendix E
- Print Abbreviations. 1991 Jan-Feb:81
- SECONDARY, new subheading. 1980 Feb:3
- SECONDARY, search strategy in MEDLINE. 1983 Jan:6
- Statistics and Numerical Data added. 1989 Feb:22
- Surgery, indexing policy change. 1989 Feb:34
- Topical - history of availability. 1990 Jun:1
- twenty are extended for use with Smoking. 1987 Oct:11
- Ultrastructure/UL. 1990 Sep-Oct:7
- update of new and changed. 1989 Feb:39
- usage expansion will continue in 1990. 1989 Oct:6
- Usage has expanded. 1990 Feb:68
- vs. explosions. 1982 Jul:4
Back Issues in Hard Copy
(May 1969 - March-April 1993)
To obtain copies of issues prior to the May-June 1993 issue, send a message to custserv@nlm.nih.gov. Please include your mailing address and the issue that you wish to receive.
Beginning with the May-June 1996 issue of the NLM Technical Bulletin, information about indexed journal titles is no longer published in the Technical Bulletin.