- change in downtime. 1986 May:3
- abbreviated advanced courses, regional. 1981 May:15;
1983 Jan:4;
1983 Apr:4;
1983 May:3;
1983 Aug:4
- Abbreviated Training Course
- Advanced Course Announced. 1980 Nov:6
- Initial Training Course. 1979 Jul:9; 1980 Aug:5
- Advanced Class.
- Agenda. 1985 Sep:7
- Modularization. 1985 Sep:7
- Signed for the Hearing-Impaired. 1986 Dec:4
- Backup Searcher Class. 1984 May:3
- Chemical/Toxicology/TOXNET Specialized Module. 1996 Jul-Aug:11
- CHEMLEARN - Microcomputer-Based Program. 1990 May:16
- ELHILL LEARN - Microcomputer-Based Program. 1990 May:9
- Erratum: Incorrect Fax Number for Eastern Online Training Center. 1992 Sep-Oct:5
- Grateful Med Trainers, Seminar. 1989 Jul:8
- Report on Seminar. 1989 Nov:10
- AHA Resource Center offers Half-Day Seminar. 1989 Feb:55
- Health Professional Seminar. 1984 Apr:7;
1984 Apr:9
- Hospital Satellite Network broadcast of Grateful Med to VA locations. 1986 Nov:17
- Initial Training Class
- Abbreviated. 1979 Jul:9;
1980 Aug:5;
1981 Mar:9;
1981 Apr:9;
1981 May:15
- Regional Schedule. 1983 Mar:12
- Hearing Impaired. 1983 Nov:5
- Initial Training Class, Modules,I, II, III. 1982 Nov:11
- MEDLARS: Refresher & Review Workshop. 1991 Nov-Dec:39;
1992 Sep-Oct:4;
1992 Jul-Aug:Appendix F;
1992 Nov-Dec:17;
1993 Jul-Aug:Appendix H;
1996 Jul-Aug:11
- MEDLEARN - Discontinued. 1990 Feb:93;
1990 Jun:3
- Medtutor - Microcomputer-Based Program. 1990 Feb:92;
1990 May:16
- MLA, Training at.
- 1988 course at MLA Registration Flyer for Course. 1988 Mar:Appendix A
- MLA Credit. 1985 Jan:4
- MLA Workshop. 1985 Apr:3
- MLA Workshop Application. 1985 Feb:Enc
- MLA Workshop Registration Form. 1986 Mar:10
- National Online Training Center. 1996 May-Jun:13
- New Address. 1979 Sep:3
- NLM Online Training Program. 1983 Sep:9;
1985 Nov:1;
1986 Jan:6;
1987 Sep:12;
1989 Aug:5;
1992 Jan-Feb:67;
1993 Jul-Aug:1;
1996 May-Jun:13
- Online Services Training Program Changes. 1987 Sep:1
- Online Training Centers Announced. 1986 Jan:1
- Online Updates, Program Change. 1987 Jun:4
- Participants Profile/Training Code Use. 1989 Feb:81;
1992 Jan-Feb:Appendix E;
1993 Jan-Feb:Appendix D;
1993 Nov-Dec:Appendix B
- PC-Based Training Tutorials Available Free Electronically. 1996 May-Jun:3
- PC User Aids. 1991 Jan-Feb:96
- Policy and Programs, Changes In. 1986 Jun:1
- Request for Demonstration/Online Training Codes. 1989 Feb:79;
1992 Jan-Feb:Appendix D;
1993 Nov-Dec:3;
1993 Jan-Feb:Appendix C;
1993 Nov-Dec:Appendix A;
1996 May-Jun:25D
- Request Form for Codes for "Basics" Course. 1986 Feb:Appendix B
- Request for NLM Online Training Form. 1982 Nov:13;
1983 Sep:11;
1985 Nov:1;
1986 Jun:Appendix A;
1987 Sep:Appendix B;
1988 Sep:Appendix A;
1989 Feb:77;
1989 Aug:Appendix A;
1990 Feb:116;
1990 Feb:118;
1992 Sep-Oct:Appendix G;
1993 Jan-Feb:Appendix B;
1993 Jul-Aug:Appendix I;
1996 May-Jun:23C;
1996 Jul-Aug:11
- Teaching MEDLINE to the Health Professional. 1984 Apr:10;
1984 Nov:6
- TOXLEARN - Microcomputer-Based Program. 1990 Feb:92;
1990 May:9
- Training Application Form. 1990 Jul:Appendix C;
1991 Jan-Feb:Appendix C;
1991 Jul-Aug:Appendix B
- Training Codes. 1990 Feb:60;
1991 Jan-Feb:Appendix D;
1992 Jan-Feb:69
- Available for Grateful Med. 1989 Feb:5
- Available for Online Sorting. 1989 Oct:1
- Training for Health Professional Trainers. 1984 Apr:10
- Training Schedule and Application for Training. 1992 Jan-Feb:Appendix C
Back Issues in Hard Copy
(May 1969 - March-April 1993)
To obtain copies of issues prior to the May-June 1993 issue, send a message to custserv@nlm.nih.gov. Please include your mailing address and the issue that you wish to receive.
Beginning with the May-June 1996 issue of the NLM Technical Bulletin, information about indexed journal titles is no longer published in the Technical Bulletin.