Letter H
- Handicapped, Searching for Concept of. 1987 Jan:13
- Happy 20th Birthday MEDLINE. 1991 Sep-Oct:1
- Harvard Graphics
- Available on the Grateful Med Bulletin Board for Version 5.0 for the IBM. 1990 Apr:3
- Hazardous Material Technical Center - see HMTC.
- Hazardous Substances Databank (HSDB). 1985 May:6; 1985 Aug:6; 1985 Oct:5; Nov:16; 1985 Dec:10
- CROSSFILE searching/printing. 1990 Jun:19
- Data from POISINDEX Deleted. 1988 Jan:4
- EMT (Emergency Medical Treatment) field added. 1990 Jan:5
- Fact Sheet. 1986 Mar:Enc
- Material Safety Data Sheets. 1987 Jul:10
- medical treatment data from POISINDEX added. 1989 Feb:60
- Menu Searching Now Available. 1991 Nov-Dec:1
- Reference Guide Revised. 1993 May-Jun:5
- review status tags. 1989 Feb:60
- review status tags modified. 1988 Jun:3
- RTECS data removed. 1988 Dec:5
- searching chemical regulations and standards. 1986 Apr:8
- searching within a single record. 1986 Aug:12
- Tapes available through NTIS. 1990 Jan:4
- toxicity excerpts and values. 1986 May:6
- unit record changes. 1988 Dec:5
- HCTA (Health Care Technology Assessment)
- Subfile on DIRLINE. 1990 Feb:48
- Head and Neck Neoplasms, searching. 1986 Jul:14
- Header data element in TRI. 1989 May:6
- Health Care Reform Vocabulary. 1995 May-Jun:11
- Health Care Technology Assessment - see HCTA
- HEALTH - Health Planning and Administration
- 1987 file available. 1986 Oct:4
- Addition of UI/SI to Automatic SDI Print Format. 1991 May-Jun:4
- Address (AD) field broadening of scope. 1990 Feb:21
- Address (AD) Field Now Searchable. 1991 Jan-Feb:30
- AHA Resource Center offers half-day seminar. 1989 Feb:55
- automatic SDIs available. 1981 Dec:6; 1982 Feb:3
- Becomes HealthSTAR 1995 Sep-Oct:3; 1995 Nov-Dec:1
- brochure available. 1984 Sep:4; 1989 Feb:55
- chronological order of citations mixed due to year-end processing. 1987 Jan:4
- citations included in AIDSLINE. 1989 Apr:1
- Comments (CM) field added. 1990 Apr:4; 1990 Sep-Oct:33
- current document coverage. 1980 Aug:9
- data element changes. 1983 Mar:9; 1983 Dec:6
- data element deletions, 1983. 1982 Dec:3
- different than MEDLINE. 1983 Dec:3
- Disallowed Subheadings. 1991 Mar-Apr:14
- Eliminating MEDLINE Overlap. 1993 Mar-Apr:22
- fact sheet. 1979 Jan:Enc
- Field now searchable. 1990 Sep-Oct:27
- Hospital Literature Index Available. 1992 Jan-Feb:57
- journals added to special list HEALTH. 1989 Feb:55
- Journal Subset field (SB). 1983 Aug:3
- manual replacement pages. 1983 Dec:Enc
- MAP NOTES, included in. 1980 Apr:3
- Merger with HSTAR 1995 Sep-Oct:3; 1995 Nov-Dec:1
- MeSH use. 1982 Feb:3; 1985 Oct:7; 1987 Oct:4; 1989 Jan:3; 1990 Jan:3; 1990 Sep-Oct:9; 1990 Sep-Oct:11
- New Publication Type (PT) Practice Guideline Added. 1992 Jan-Feb:58
- NHPIC records added. 1983 Mar:7
- PRINT format changes. 1983 Mar:11
- review SDI strategy for 1989 MeSH. 1988 Oct:6
- SDIs. 1991 Sep-Oct:6
- Search Hint. 1993 Sept-Oct:47
- Searching for Resource-Based Relative Value Scales. 1989 May:20
- search/print capability update. 1989 Feb:55
- Secondary Source ID (SI) Field. 1986 Dec:18
- SORT. 1983 Mar:8
- Source field (SO) changes. 1983 May:4
- Unique Identifier (UI) added to DOCLINE. 1989 Feb:17
- Update. 1981 Oct:App; 1982 Oct:App; 1983 Oct:App; 1988 Mar:51; 1990 Feb:50; 1991 Jan-Feb:57; 1993 Sept-Oct:39
- update schedule change. 1981 Nov:4
- Year-End Processing. 1983 Oct:4; 1984 Oct:4; 1985 Oct:4; 1989 Oct:31; 1990 Sep-Oct:11; 1991 Sep-Oct:9
- Health Hotlines, a listing of toll-free phone numbers from DIRLINE. 1987 Jul:4
- Health Hotline Update. 1988 Sep:Enc; 1991 May-Jun:4
- Health Planning & Administration see Health
- Health Professional Trainers. 1986 Feb:3
- Health Professional Training. 1985 Jan:4; 1985 Jan:6
- application process for access code. 1986 Feb:9
- Health Professional Training Codes. 1985 Jan:6
- Trainer request form. 1985 Jan:8; 1986 Feb:App
- Health Professional Training Guide available from NTIS. 1985 Aug:5
- Health Sciences Serials Ceases Publication.1996 Sep-Oct:11
- microfiche catalog discontinued. 1988 Dec:5
- Health Services and Technology Assessment Research Databasesee HSTAR
- Health Services Research Projects Database. 1994 Sep-Oct:1
- Health Services/Technology Assessment Text see HSTAT
- HealthSTAR (Health Services and Technology Assessment Research) Database
- Automatic SDI Service Added. 1994 May-Jun:19
- Automatic SDI service available. 1996 May-Jun:7
- CATLINE Data in HealthSTAR, Checktag vs Subheading. 1996 May-Jun:7
- Correction. 1994 Mar-Apr:6
- Database Introduced. 1994 Jan-Feb:1
- File Availability Delayed. 1994 Nov-Dec:3
- Gold Standard Search: Cost of Making Health Care Accessible to Rural Americans. 1996 Sep-Oct:12
- Merger of HEALTH File and HSTAR to form HealthSTAR. 1995 Sep-Oct:3; 1995 Nov-Dec:1; 1996 May-Jun:7
- Searching to Eliminate MEDLINE Overlap. 1996 May-Jun:7
- Testing. 1993 May-Jun:17
- Unit record. 1996 May-Jun:7
- Weekly Update Schedule on ELHILL. 1996 Sep-Oct:21D
- Year-End Processing. 1996 Sep-Oct:7
- HEEP, TOXLINE subfile, name and scope changing. 1985 Sep:3
- Hedges. 1986 Aug:15
- Leukemia. 1989 Feb:44
- Ophthalmology and Optometry. 1989 Feb:43
- Helicobacter Infections. 1990 Sep-Oct:7
- Helicobacter Pylori. 1990 Sep-Oct:7
- HEWLETT PACKARD 2621P terminals
- changes in procedure, operational. 1980 Aug:3
- changes in procedure, test. 1980 Jul:5
- special procedures. 1980 Apr:3
- HGML (Human Gene Mapping Library) SI values added to MEDLINE and its backfiles. 1990 Jan:4
- HGML Value in SI Field Eliminated. 1993 Sept-Oct:14
- HHAI see Hospital and Health Administration Index
- HIS (AI) tag in SERLINE added to core journals for HISTLINE. 1989 Jun:20
- HISTLINE. 1994 Jul-Aug:1
- certain data elements translated into English phrases. 1988 Mar:3
- changes due to Sep 86 update. 1986 Nov:10
- changes in fields. 1979 Oct:8
- fact sheet. 1979 Jan:Enc
- file changes. 1984 Feb:5
- geographic added. 1981 May:3; 1981 Jun:3
- Guide to Keywords in the Structured HISTLINE Vocabulary. 1984 Dec:4
- manual chapter, changes to. 1980 Jan:3
- MeSH Headings Available. 1994 Nov-Dec:4
- updates, quarterly. 1980 Aug:4
- vocabulary change. 1980 Jul:3; 1984 Jun:6
- vocabulary guide, availability. 1980 Jan:3
- History of Medicine Division. 1994 Jul-Aug:1
- Prints and Photographs Collection. 1994 Jul-Aug:33
- History & Online Notes - More for 1992. 1991 Sep-Oct:17
- Search Hint: Searching on Transmission of Infections from and to Health Care Workers. 1991 Jul-Aug:12
- HIV Seropositivity for 1988. 1987 Oct:11
- HIV Virus, update. 1988 Mar:35
- HMD Subfile of DIRLINE. 1988 Apr:3
- HMTC Subfile
- additional CAS Registry Numbers (RN). 1989 Feb:5
- HMTC, TOXLINE Subfile. 1984 Oct:10
- HN (History Note) field available for subheadings. 1989 Feb:23
- used for online sorting. 1989 Oct:26
- Holiday Schedule
- Hospital and Health Administration Index.
- 1994 Index. 1994 Nov-Dec:5
- 1995 Index. 1995 Mar-Apr:4
- Hospital Library, The Impact of. 1994 May-Jun:Appendix A
- Hospital Literature Index see also Publications
- Available from American Hospital Association. 1992 Mar-Apr:4
- completed 44th year. 1989 Feb:55
- Subscription Form. 1992 Mar-Apr:Appendix A
- Hospital Literature Index, 1993. 1993 Mar-Apr:3
- Hospital Literature Index, 1993 Order Form. 1993 Mar-Apr:Appendix A
- Hospital Literature Index, 1994. 1993 Sept-Oct:40
- Hospital Satellite Network hosted Grateful Med
- Teleconference. 1987 Apr:1
- Hours of Operation. 1985 Feb:8; 1985 Mar:5; 1985 Apr:7
- 1980. 1979 Nov:3
- evening & weekend, expanded. 1981 Oct:6
- MEDLEARN. 1985 Apr:3; 1985 Jul:3; 1986 Mar:3
- NLM hours increased, 1982. 1982 Nov:3
- NLM Saturday, not guaranteed. 1982 May:3
- prime time changes announced. 1980 Mar:6
- HowTo, tutorial for GRATEFUL MED. 1989 Mar:1
- installed on hard disk. 1989 Dec:14
- HSRPROJ. 1994 Sep-Oct:1
- New Database. 1993 Sep-Oct:13
- Now Available. 1995 Mar-Apr:1
- Becomes HealthSTAR1995 Sep-Oct:3; 1995 Nov-Dec:1
- Merger with HEALTH 1995 Sep-Oct:3; 1995 Nov-Dec:1
- Update. 1995 Mar-Apr:13
- HSTAT (Health Services/Technology Assessment Text)
- Database Introduced. 1994 Mar-Apr:18
- Update 1995 Mar-Apr:11
- Human Gene Mapping Library - see HGML
- Human vs. Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Heading, Indexing Policy change. 1989 Feb:31