- 15th Anniversary.
1986 Dec:1
- 1982 citations moved back. 1985 Jan:3
- 1989 year-end processing.
1989 Oct:31
- 1990 dates of coverage.
1989 Nov:3
- 1990 monthly update schedule.
1989 Oct:Appendix C
- 1990 semi-monthly update
schedule. 1989 Oct:Appendix B
- Weekly Update Schedule.
1991 Jan-Feb:37; 1991 Jan-Feb:Appendix A; 1991 Sep-Oct:3; 1991 Sep-Oct:Appendix A
- 1991 weekly updates.
1990 Sep-Oct:Appendix A
- 1991 weekly updates -
revised. 1990 Nov-Dec:Appendix A
- Abstract Inclusion Policy.
1983 Oct:6; 1995 Sep-Oct:18
- Abstract Inclusion Percentage. 1985 May:4
- Address (AD) field
- added, update. 1988 Mar:18
- Broadening of scope. 1990 Feb:21
- Email Address Added.
1995 Nov-Dec:3
- Field now searchable.
1990 Sep-Oct:27
- USA added
1995 Jun-Aug:3
- Address field (AD) included with 8801 (EM). 1987 Oct:9
- Address Field Now Searchable. 1991 Jan-Feb:30
- Anecdotes Requested. 1981 Oct:3
- Author Indexing Policy. 1995 Mar-Apr:17;
1995 Sep-Oct:8
- Author Rank Designation,
Familial, Changes. 1993 Nov-Dec:3
- Backfiles
- Backfile configuration.
1980 Jan:App; 1982 Oct:7; 1982 Jan:3; 1983 Oct:6; 1983 Nov:4; 1985 Oct:7; 1985 Nov:3; 1986 Oct:7; 1987 Oct:9; 1990 Sep-Oct:9; 1991 Jan-Feb:37; 1991 Sep-Oct:4; 1989 Oct:5; 1994 Sep-Oct:1; 1996 Sep-Oct:1
- Backfiles rearranged by year of publication (YR). 1988 Mar:5
- Expanded Identification Number (ID) in MEDLINE Backfiles. 1996 Sep-Oct:1
- Z39.50 Access.
1995 Sep-Oct:23
1995 Jun-Aug:3
- CD-ROM update.
1988 Mar:5
- chemical name mapping available. 1981 Mar:3
- Chronological Order Slightly Mixed Due to Year-End Processing. 1987
- Comments (CM) field.
1989 Feb:26
- New field.
1990 Apr:4
- configuration of years.
- Coverage dates changing.
1988 Nov:3
- Date of Entry (DA) ranges.
1980 Jan:App; 1981 Feb:App; 1984 Feb:App; 1985 Feb:7; 1986 Jan:App; 1987 Jan:Appendix C; 1988 Jan:Appendix A
- Dates of coverage. 1990 Nov-Dec:4
- dental journal subset tag. 1989 Feb:30
- different than HEALTH. 1983 Dec:3
- Disallowed Subheadings. 1991 Mar-Apr:14
- Email Address in Address (AD) Field. 1995 Nov-Dec:3
- English Abstract (MH) - Still Searchable. 1991 Nov-Dec:4
- file available December. 1986 Oct:4; 1987 Oct:4
- File Segmentation. 1990 Feb:17; 1991 Jan-Feb:37
- file year coverage. 1985 Jan:3; 1985 Dec:3; 1986 Nov:3
- Format change for subset tape licenses. 1990 Jul:7
- free online time Oct 27, 1986. 1986 Sep:1; 1986 Dec:1
- Gaps Project impact. 1987 Mar:16
- Happy 20th Birthday. 1991 Sep-Oct:1
- Journal Subset Field (SB). 1983 Aug:3
- Limited to Serials. 1982 Jan:3
- MED notations for BACKfiles. 1979 Jul:3
- MEDTUTOR. 1989 Sep:6
- MeSH use. 1985 Oct:7; 1988 Jan:4; 1989 Jan:3; 1990 Jan:3; 1990 Sep-Oct:9
- Molecular Sequence data added. 1988 Apr:1
- NAME OF SUBSTANCE (NM) added. 1980 Jul:4
- NAME OF SUBSTANCE (NM), searchable as Name Fragments. 1980 Dec:5
- NEIGHBOR command, update. 1988 Mar:7
- New Journal Titles for Index Medicus/MEDLINE. 1996 Jul-Aug:15A
- N (SB); Nursing Subset Tag, update. 1988 Mar:16
- Nursing journal subset tag; N (SB). 1987 Oct:9
- OSRM replacement page. 1985 Sep:4
- Overlap Eliminator. 1993 Mar-Apr:22
- pagination errors. 1983 Apr:4
- Pergamon Press abstracts online. 1982 Jan:3
- PH (MH) and PH (SH), searching. 1979 Oct:4; 1982 May:4
- Pocket Card. 1985 Oct:Enc; 1988 Feb:3; 1989 Apr:Enc; 1992 Mar-Apr:5; 1993 Mar-Apr:5; 1994 Mar-Apr:5; 1995 Mar-Apr:4
- PRINT format changing. 1985 Aug:1
- Publication Type Changes. 1995 Sep-Oct:19
- Re-leveling MEDLINE. 1990 Feb:18
- Registry Numbers (RN). 1980 Jul:4; 1984 Jan:5
- review articles. 1988 Mar:14
- Scientific Misconduct Annotation Removed. 1995 Mar-Apr:3
- SDILINE automatic SDI searches. 1990 Sep-Oct:10
- searching.
1979 Oct:4
- chemicals. 1982 Mar:5
- MEDLINE and the Backfiles.
1990 Feb:20
- semi-monthly updates begin in April 1988. 1988 Mar:1, Apr:3
- SI (Secondary Source ID) field
- Additional GenBank values
added. 1990 Jan:4; 1990 Mar:4
- Values for Human Gene
Mapping Library introduced. 1990 Jan:4; 1990 Mar:4
- valuues increased.
1989 Oct:4
- STORESEARCHES can be run online, update. 1988 Mar:15
- Study of users available from NTIS. 1990 Mar:5
- survey of individual users. 1987 Sep:5
- available from NTIS. 1989 Jan:1
- ten years online. 1981 Oct:9
- Years of Coverage. 1992 Jan-Feb:35
- update schedule. 1979 Nov:App; 1980 Oct:3; 1980 Oct:3; 1980 Oct:App; 1981 Oct:App; 1982 Oct:App; 1983 Oct:App; 1990 Feb:17; 1990 Apr:1; 1990 Apr:8; 1992 Jan-Feb:Appendix A; 1993 Jul-Aug:Appendix A; 1995 Sep-Oct:39A; 1995 Sep-Oct:43C; 1996 Sep-Oct:15A
- Update Schedule Revised. 1993 Jul-Aug:4
- Update schedule changed due to contract dispute. 1996 May-Jun:2
- Where Do MEDLINE Articles Come From? 1991 Mar-Apr:33
- Wit and Humor (MH). 1994 Mar-Apr:24
- Year-End Processing. 1979 Oct:4; 1980 Oct:3; 1981 Jan:4; 1981 Oct:4; 1983 Oct:4; 1984 Oct:4; 1985 Oct:4; 1990 Jan:4; 1991 Sep-Oct:9
- ISSN (IS). 1991 Sep-Oct:9
- Journal Title Code. 1991 Sep-Oct:10
- MeSH Z Tree (ZN) for Country of Publication. 1991 Sep-Oct:10
- Title Abbreviation (TA). 1991 Sep-Oct:9
- Year Ranges.1982 Oct:7
- Z39.50
- Access. 1995 Sep-Oct:23