
Lesson 3: Biotechnology as a new eugenics: genetic testing and reproductive technologies


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  1. Lesson 1: Biotechnology as the manipulation of life: the recombinant DNA debate of the 1970s

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  2. Lesson 2: Biotechnology as big business: patenting life from Chakrabarty to Myriad

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  3. Lesson 3: Biotechnology as a new eugenics: genetic testing and reproductive technologies

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  4. About the Author

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The dream of choosing the traits of our offspring—in effect, being able to design the next generation—is as old as human history. With the rise of reproductive technologies, especially those involving genetic testing and manipulation, the dream at last seemed to be practicable. In the early 1960s, the biologist John Gurdon successfully cloned a frog, raising the possibilities of cloning mammals (achieved with Dolly the sheep in 1996) and eventually human beings. In 1962, the Nobelist Hermann J. Muller suggested that a bank containing the sperm of eminent men might be an attractive option for modern, liberated women seeking to have high-quality children. In 1969, Robert Sinsheimer, a founder of the Human Genome Project, floated the idea of doing gene therapy (that is, altering the genes) not only on somatic (body) cells, but on the germ line as well—the eggs and sperm. In 1978, the birth of “test tube baby” Louise Brown marked the first successful use of in–vitro fertilization. Once access to egg and sperm were achieved in this way, their manipulation and alteration were, in principle, made possible.

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Discussion Reading

Paul, Diane. “Eugenic Anxieties, Social Realities, and Political Choices.” In The Politics of Heredity: Essays on Eugenics, Biomedicine, and the Nature–Nurture Debate. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1998, pp. 95–116.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. “Virtual Exhibits.” From Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement. Accessed November 20, 2013. The virtual exhibits include brief historical essays on different aspects of the eugenics movement and collections of primary documents and photographs. Read the essays and browse through the primary sources.

Optional Reading

Kant, Immanuel. Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, trans. and ed. Mary Gregor and Jens Timmermann. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1785/2012, pp. 19–47.

Singer, Peter. “About Ethics.” In Writings on an Ethical Life. New York, NY: Ecco Press, 2000, pp. 7–17.

Rawls, John. A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1971, pp. 3–27.

Debate Resources

  • Wailoo, Keith and Stephen Pemberton. “Eradicating a “Jewish Gene”: Promises and Pitfalls in the Fight against Tay–Sachs Disease.” In The Troubled Dream of Genetic Medicine. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006, pp. 14–16.
  • Thernstrom, Melanie. “Meet the Twiblings.” New York Times Magazine, Jan 2, 2011.
  • Matchan, Linda. “Who’s Your Daddy?” Boston Globe, Sep. 15, 2011.
  • Harmon, Amy. “Couples Cull Embryos to Halt Heritage of Cancer.” The New York Times, September 3, 2006.
  • “Beware the Destiny Test.” Scientific American (February 2013), 308, p. 12. (doi:10.1038)
  • Silver, Lee. Remaking Eden: How Genetic Engineering and Cloning Will Transform the American Family. New York: Harper Collins, 1998, Prologue, Part 4, Part 5, and Epilogue.
  • Sandel, Michael. “The Case Against Perfection.” Atlantic Monthly, April 2004.
  • Kass, Leon. “The Age of Genetic Technology Arrives.” In Life, Liberty, and the Defense of Dignity: The Challenge for Bioethics. New York: Encounter, 2002.
  • Hubbard, Ruth, and Stuart Newman. “Yuppie Eugenics: Creating a world with genetic haves and have–nots.” Z Magazine, March 2002.

Discussion questions:

  1. What was eugenics, and how did it change over the course of the first half of the 20th century? Choose one primary source from the Eugenics Archive and analyze it: what does it reveal about the American eugenics movement at the time it was produced?
  2. To whom did eugenics appeal, and why? What accounts for its decline?
  3. In what ways did its ideals persist even after World War II?

Debate Questions:

  1. Is screening for gender or eye color of potential offspring ethical? Or is it (in Ruth Hubbard’s term) “genomania”?
  2. Is the treatment/enhancement distinction tenable, or impossible? Compare the debate over the use of human growth hormone: is biotechnology supposed to correct disease, or make people better than well?
  3. Consider the disability critique: will disabilities like Down’s syndrome become a rarity if reproductive technologies are used?
  4. Consider the distributive justice critique: is this a technology for the wealthy?
  5. Where should we draw the line? At what point (if any) do these assisted reproductive technologies become unethical, and why? Or, when it comes to reproduction, an intensely private matter, is freedom of choice truly the highest possible value?