PubMed® Training Materials Updated

T he June 2008 edition of the PubMed training workbook is now available for download from the NLM Web site. The current edition of the PubMed workbook has been reorganized to better emphasize search techniques, and reflects changes through June 2008 including the changes to Automatic Term Mapping and the new Citation Sensor. The manual is available for downloading in Portable Document Format (PDF) and Microsoft® (MS) Word formats. Feel free to use any part of the workbook - you may customize parts for training programs, demonstrations, or workshops you conduct. The workbook is not copyrighted.
The PubMed Tutorial has been updated to include changes to PubMed through June 2008.
For additional classroom training materials see the NLM Training Manuals and Resources site. These materials correspond to the NLM's National Training Center and Clearinghouse training courses described at: // For online instruction, see the Distance Education Program Resources page.

PubMed® Training Materials Updated. NLM Tech Bull. 2008 Jul-Aug; (363):e5.