NLM Launches ReferencePoint Blog
[Editor's note: NLM stopped publishing ReferencePoint on July 31, 2012. ReferencePoint Blog hyperlinks have been removed.]
The National Library of Medicine® (NLM®) has a new blog, ReferencePoint, targeting health sciences library staff in the U.S. and abroad.
ReferencePoint postings will:
- Increase the awareness of NLM products and services available online and onsite.
- Inform the targeted audiences about health sciences resources outside of NLM.
- Promote dialogue and learning exchanges between NLM staff and staff at other libraries.
This is a moderated blog which anyone can see; reference librarians and other NLM staff will write, review, and respond to comments during regular business hours. Ask questions or comment about any resources listed in the space at the end of each posting. You must register and log-in to post comments. You can also read ReferencePoint as an RSS feed.
Please Note:
- Do not send reference questions to the blog. For reference questions, visit our FAQ page and our Reference and Web Services homepage.
- Reporters/Media: You must send your questions to the NLM Office of Communications & Public Liaison Media Office through their normal channels. Do not submit questions to the blog as comments.
We look forward to the discussions and the learning. Check us out at and look for new postings on a regular basis (see Figure 1).

Burke C. NLM Launches ReferencePoint Blog. NLM Tech Bull. 2011 Jul-Aug;(381):e14.