Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) News
RxNorm Current Prescribable Content
The draft release of the RxNorm Current Prescribable Content subset is now available from the RxNorm Files Web page along with release notes and documentation. The subset includes prescription drugs currently marketed in the US as well as frequently prescribed over-the-counter drugs. The subset includes only active RxNorm normalized names, codes, attributes, and relationships for these drugs. The subset does not include suppressed data or obsolete data.
The subset is freely available with no licensing restrictions. For more information or to comment on the draft release, e-mail rxnorminfo@nlm.nih.gov.
SNOMED CT® Downloads
The July 2011 International Release of SNOMED CT will be available on July 29 from both the SNOMED CT and Downloads menu of the UMLS® Terminology Services (UTS).
Training and Outreach
Upcoming Webcast
The next UMLS Webcast will be held on July 27, 2011 at 2:00 pm ET. The topic is "MedlinePlus® Connect: Linking Patient Portals and EHRs to Consumer Health Information." Stephanie Dennis, MedlinePlus Connect project manager, will give an overview of MedlinePlus Connect, explain how to implement it, and explain the NLM® work behind the scenes to support it. For more information, see MedlinePlus Connect.
The Webcast link is https://webmeeting.nih.gov/medlineplusconnect_essentials/. It will be archived and linked from the UMLS Webcasts Web page.
Source Release Documentation: Updated Homepage
The UMLS Source Release Documentation homepage has enhanced browsing features. You may now browse source vocabularies alphabetically, by UMLS License category restriction level, and by language.
Revised UMLS License Quick Tour
A revised version of the How to Request a UMLS License and Create a UTS Account Quick Tour is now available. UMLS Quick Tours are brief animated tutorials with audio that provide instructions on using UMLS-related products and services.
The UMLS team welcomes suggestions for new Quick Tours. E-mail suggestions to Contact NLM with the subject "UMLS Quick Tour Suggestions."
UMLS Community: New Submission
The UMLS Community Web page now includes instructions for replacing the pipe symbol (|) in the UMLS RRF files with a tab character using UNIX regular expressions. Although these instructions are specifically for Mac OS X Snow Leopard, you can use the suggested UNIX commands in other environments that support UNIX.

Wilder V. Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) News. NLM Tech Bull. 2011 Jul-Aug;(381):e8.