Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) News for August 2011
SNOMED CT®: International Release, July 2011
The July 2011 International Release of SNOMED CT is available for download from both the SNOMED CT and Downloads menus of the UMLS® Terminology Services (UTS). In support of the transition from Release Format 1 (RF1) to Release Format 2 (RF2), the July Release is available in two versions:
- RF1: SnomedCT_INT_20110731.zip (214 MB)
- RF2 : SnomedCT_RF2Release_INT_20110731.zip (407 MB)
Additionally RF2-to-RF1 compatibility tools are available for download on the same Web page:
- Conversion Application: SnomedCT_RF2toRF1Conversion_INT_20110731.zip (41 MB); Includes versions for Windows and Macintosh environments
- Supporting Data Files: SnomedCT_RF1CompatibilityPackage_INT_20110731.zip (196 MB)
The compatibility tools enable users to generate an RF1-formatted version of the SNOMED CT International Release from the RF2 release files. They will provide backward compatibility for users after the IHTSDO (International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation) stops distribution of an RF1 version of the International Release.
SNOMED CT: CORE Problem List Subset, August 2011
The updated SNOMED CT CORE Problem List Subset is available for download from both the SNOMED CT and Downloads menus of the UTS.
Training and Outreach
MedlinePlus® Connect Webcast Archive
The archived version is available for the July 27 UMLS Webcast titled MedlinePlus Connect: Linking Patient Portals and EHRs to Consumer Health Information. It also is linked from the UMLS Webcasts Web page.

Wilder V. Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) News for August 2011. NLM Tech Bull. 2011 Jul-Aug;(381):e11.