NLM's List of Serials Indexed for Online Users 2007 and List of Journals Indexed for MEDLINE® 2007 are Now Available
The List of Serials Indexed for Online Users 2007 (LSI) and List of Journals Indexed for MEDLINE 2007 (LJI) are now available.
The LSI is available in PDF and XML formats. The Document Type Definition (DTD) associated with the serials XML data is available at This edition contains 12,493 serial titles, including 5,164 titles currently indexed for MEDLINE. This includes titles that ceased, changed titles, or were deselected.
The LJI is available in PDF format and lists the 5,164 journals currently indexed for MEDLINE as of January 2007.
You must agree to the Terms and Conditions of use to download NLM serials data for both the LSI and the LJI. Downloading the data indicates acceptance of the stated Terms and Conditions.
The National Library of Medicine (NLM) designed the lists of serials products to provide bibliographic information for serials from which articles are indexed with the MeSH® vocabulary and cited in MEDLINE, the backbone of NLM's PubMed® database. More detailed bibliographic data and information about indexing coverage for serials cited in PubMed can be found in LocatorPlus® , NLM's online catalog, at // and the NLM Catalog, an Entrez database, at //