PubMed® Help Gets New Look and New URLs
The NCBI Bookshelf is undergoing a change to its format. PubMed Help (which includes Help for the Journals and MeSH databases), NLM Catalog Help, and LinkOut Help are books on the Bookshelf and are, therefore, affected. While the content is the same, the appearance of Help is being improved.
This change required that the URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) for these sites be changed. Consequently links to Help have been reconstructed to use the new URLs. The old URLs will be automatically redirected to the new URLs, so existing links should work. We recommend that any documentation or web sites with links to Help be updated to the new URLs to avoid problems in the future.
The new Help URLs
- PubMed
// - Journals
// - MeSH
// - NLM Catalog
// - LinkOut
In the near future, the Overview and FAQ information (available from the PubMed homepage) will be integrated into PubMed Help which will also result in a change for some URLs.
Help for Advanced Search will be delayed for a while longer.

Nahin AM. PubMed® Help Gets New Look and New URLs. NLM Tech Bull. 2009 Jan-Feb;(366):e14.