Table of Contents: 2019 JANUARY–FEBRUARY No. 426
RxNorm January 2019 Release Available. NLM Tech Bull. 2019 Jan-Feb;(426):b1.
The January full monthly release of RxNorm became available on Monday, January 7, 2019, and does not include the Veterans Health Administration's National Drug File – Reference Terminology (NDF-RT). NDF-RT was removed from RxNorm and will not be in future RxNorm releases. For more information, see NDF-RT Removed from RxNorm Beginning 2019. Similarly, NDF-RT was removed from RxMix and the NDF-RT API was discontinued.
For planning purposes, below is the RxNorm 2019 monthly release schedule which is also available on the RxNorm Overview webpage. The full RxNorm dataset is released on the first Monday of each month. In the months when the first Monday is a federal holiday, RxNorm is released on the first Tuesday.
Date | Day |
January 7 | Monday |
February 4 | Monday |
March 4 | Monday |
April 1 | Monday |
May 6 | Monday |
June 3 | Monday |
July 1 | Monday |
August 5 | Monday |
September 3 | Tuesday |
October 7 | Monday |
November 4 | Monday |
December 2 | Monday |