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National Library of Medicine Technical BulletinNational Library of Medicine Technical Bulletin

Table of Contents: 2015 MARCH–APRIL No. 403

New Errata Citation Policy

New Errata Citation Policy. NLM Tech Bull. 2015 Mar-Apr;(403):b10.

2015 April 07 [posted]

Effective for 2015 publication date, NLM is retaining citations for errata notices and creating a 2-way link between the citation for the erratum notice and the citation for the original article as we do for citations for retraction notices and retracted papers. Previously NLM edited the citation for the original article to indicate the existence of an erratum notice, but we did not retain the citation for the notice. In a small number of cases when the published erratum notice included substantive additional information, those citations were retained, assigned Published Erratum as a Publication Type, and indexed with MeSH. We will continue that practice, but expect the majority of retained erratum notice citations to be assigned Published Erratum as a Publication Type without any MeSH headings added (the citation status will be PubMed-not-MEDLINE).  This new policy applies to erratum notice XML citations as supplied by the publisher, which NLM encourages.

The Errata, Retractions, Partial Retractions, Corrected and Republished Articles, Duplicate Publications, Comments (including Author Replies), Updates, Patient Summaries, and Republished (Reprinted) Articles Policy for MEDLINE Fact Sheet has been revised to reflect the new policy.

NLM Technical Bulletin National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health