MLA 2009: NLM® Online Users' Meeting: Remarks

NLM Online Users' Meeting: Questions and Answers
NLM Online Users' Meeting: PowerPoint Presentations for Remarks, MedlinePlus, DOCLINE
NLM Theater Presentations, Voice Recordings, and Transcripts
NLM Update PowerPoint Presentations
[Editor's note: These are remarks made by David Gillikin, Chief, Bibliographic Services Division, National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association (MLA) in Honolulu, HI on May 18, 2009. The accompanying presentation is available as HTML and PowerPoint®.]

ood morning and welcome to this very early NLM Online Users' Meeting. I'm David Gillikin, Chief of the Bibliographic Services Division. This morning I will be talking about updates and new features to several NLM products, including a prototype demonstration of an upcoming PubMed® redesign. Paula Kitendaugh, Head of Reference and Web Services, will talk about MedlinePlus®, and Maria Collins, from Collection Access Section, will speak about DOCLINE®.
We all have a lot to cover. Unfortunately the sunrise session time this year was changed by MLA to one hour. Remember that the NLM Theater presentations cover additional topics that we may not be able to cover this morning.
We will take questions at the end of the presentations, and I'd like to remind you that the presentations, along with the questions and answers, will be posted in the NLM Technical Bulletin after the MLA annual meeting.
The MEDLINE indexing process has been very busy again this year. For FY2008, 671,900 citations were indexed for MEDLINE, which is a 1% increase over FY2007. The gene indexing process saw tremendous growth this year, with a 43% increase over last year; 74,252 gene links were created.
For FY2009, Index Section is anticipating an overall production rate of 710,000 articles, and mid-year production statistics indicate that it is already slightly ahead of schedule. Also, 88% of the initial or basic MEDLINE citations are now supplied electronically by publisher feeds. In addition, 50% of the MEDLINE journals are now indexed from the online version.
In October 2008, over 70,000 citations were added from the 1948 Current List of Medical Literature (CLML) to MEDLINE/PubMed. We are currently working on mapping the citation keywords to current MeSH®. Work is also underway on converting entries from the 1947 CLML.
PubMed Enhancements
PubMed saw many enhancements this year, including the launch of the Advanced Search page from its Beta version, the title-first display of results on the search summary page, and enhancements to My NCBI. The NLM Theater presentation on PubMed contains more details on these and other enhancements. This morning, I want to spend time showing you a preview of a PubMed redesign that is underway by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). [Editor's note: The accompanying PowerPoint Presentation contains draft screen shots of the PubMed redesign.]
In developing the redesign concepts, NCBI has the following goals:
- Make PubMed easier to use
- Simplify the interface
- Refresh the look of the site
- Organize information better
- Make "power features" readily accessible
- Promote scientific discovery
Please remember that the final design is still under development. The functions on the site are not changing, only how they are presented is being altered. The anticipated launch is late this summer.
NCBI is also looking at another project for later this year. They are investigating a version of researcher/author disambiguation. This project will initially focus on identifying citations from National Institute of Health grantees, as well as looking to see how the functions of My NCBI can be used to help My NCBI users identify citations that they have written.
PubMed Central®
As of May 1, 2009, there were more than 460 journals fully participating in PubMed Central (PMC). There are also over 110 active NIH portfolio titles and nearly 500 other journals depositing selected articles. PMC now contains over 1.8 million articles.
A new feature was added to PMC to easily identify publishers that deposit articles due to the publishers' Open Access programs. The new Special Collections tab is on the PMC journal list page. This tab allows you to designate a set of PMC Open Access journals, including the name of a publisher's Open Access program and links to the journals involved in that program.
There will not be a LinkOut User meeting at MLA this year. LinkOut representatives are available at the NLM exhibit booth if you have questions, and a LinkOut presentation is part of the NLM Theater schedule. However, there is one new feature we want to share with you. LinkOut has been working with Serial Solutions® to provide support for LinkOut within their OpenURL resolver.
Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®)
In the past year, there were two UMLS releases:
- 2008AB released November 17, 2008.
- 2009AA released April 6, 2009.
A major training effort was accomplished this past year. The UMLS Basics course was made into a Web-based tutorial. A PDF of the class training materials is also available.
Specialized Information Services (SIS)
SIS is also having a theater presentation at the NLM exhibit booth about their products and services. Some of the highlights of work this past year include:
- WISER® 4.2 version was released.
- NLM Drug Information Portal Web site launched, covering current drug information from NLM and other government agencies.
- NLM Disaster Information Management Research Center (DIMRC) Web Site launched. It provides access to disaster health information at all stages of preparedness, response, mitigation and recovery.
- TOXMAP® has been enhanced in many ways, including:
- Updated cancer and other mortality data
- Redesigned Search and Set Region pages
- Enhanced, more accurate map presentations with a variety of map scales
- TOXNET® content has been increased, including:
- Carcinogenic Potency Database now available
- Report analyses of animal cancer tests on 1,547 chemicals
The big news for this year is the inclusion of basic results data, which was a Congressional mandate. There is an NLM theater presentation that details this new feature. There are several methods for locating results data:
- The Advanced Search page has a specific limit function to search for results data.
- The search results page includes a label of "has results" for each entry which does include results data.
- On the actual clinical trial information page, a special "Study Results" tab is provided for those studies that include these data.
The DailyMed Web site includes a new "product identification system." This feature allows you to search on solid dose product based on characteristics such as color, shape, size, scoring, and imprint. The results return items matching these characteristics. Images are now being added as well.
NIH Public Access Policy
During the past year, Congress made the NIH Public Access Policy permanent in language found in the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009. The language basically ensures that the policy persists, rather than potentially requiring an annual renewal.
Thank you for attending such an early morning session. Please visit us at the NLM Exhibit booth. We are always eager to hear your feedback.

MLA 2009: NLM® Online Users' Meeting: Remarks. NLM Tech Bull. 2009 May-Jun;(368):e18a.