Current Publisher Displays in the NLM® Catalog
Due to technical issues, the "Latest Publisher" field in the NLM Catalog display will be temporarily unavailable for several months beginning on June 14, 2010. This only affects serial publications that have changed publishers during the course of their publication history. All records will continue to display the original publisher in the field labeled "Publisher." Users who need information about the latest publisher can still find the data in the "Latest Publisher" field in LocatorPlus® or in the "Publisher" field of the Journals database. Note that the Journals database only displays the current publisher (it does not show the original publisher), and is only present for journals with citations in Entrez databases.
An announcement will be made once the field is again available in the NLM Catalog.

Current Publisher Displays in the NLM® Catalog. NLM Tech Bull. 2010 May-Jun;(374):e19.