UMLS® 2010AA Release Available
The 2010AA release of the Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS) Knowledge Sources is available for download as of May 3, 2010.
In the new UMLS Release there are:
- More than 2.2 million concepts and 8.2 million unique concept names from over 150 source vocabularies
- 19.6 GB required for full Metathesaurus subset
- Three new sources
- Confusion Assessment Method (LNC_CAM)
- Minimum Data Set, 2.0 (LNC_MDS20)
- Minimum Data Set, 3.0 (LNC_MDS30)
- One deleted source
- One new translation
- Croatian translation of the Medical Subject Headings (MSHSCR)
- 29 updated English sources and 17 updated translation sources including CPT® MeSH®, MedDRA, RxNorm, and SNOMED CT® (English and Spanish)
- Semantic Network changes to the Organism hierarchy and data changes to the SRDEF, SRSTRE1 and SRSTRE2 files
- SNOMED CT data changes to inactive concept codes and the addition of supplementary text definitions
- SPECIALIST Lexicon and Lexical Tools 2010 Releases
For more information about the release, see the What's New and Updated Sources sections of the Release Documentation. Additional release statistics are published on the UMLS Web site.
To access the UMLS Release files, you must have an active UMLS Metathesaurus® license and a valid UMLSKS account. You will be prompted for your UMLSKS Login ID and Password when downloading the files.
Additional information regarding the UMLS is available on the UMLS homepage. New users are encouraged to take the UMLS Basics Tutorial and to explore the training materials and other information on the New Users' homepage.
As always, the production and mailing of the UMLS DVDs occur about four weeks after the release is made available for download. Those licensees who requested the DVD for the previous release (2009AB) will automatically receive a DVD copy of the current release. If you did not receive the previous release on DVD and want the current release on DVD, Contact NLM and include your license code in the request.
Source Release Documentation
2010AA Source Release Documentation Web pages will be published following the release.
As a pilot, a new Representation tab will be added for a select group of sources (to be announced). The Representation tab will include two sub-tabs: Source Representation and Metathesaurus Representation. The new tabs will be discussed in the June 9, 2010 Webcast "From Source to Metathesaurus Format: New Source Release Documentation."

UMLS® 2010AA Release Available. NLM Tech Bull. 2010 May-Jun;(374):e2