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National Library of Medicine Technical BulletinNational Library of Medicine Technical Bulletin

Table of Contents: 2019 MAY–JUNE No. 428

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RxNorm June 2019 Release Available

RxNorm June 2019 Release Available. NLM Tech Bull. 2019 May-Jun;(428):b11.

2019 June 03 [posted]

The RxNorm June full monthly release will be available for download on Monday, June 3, 2019, and includes two new Qualitative Distinction modifiers: "Evening Dosing" and "Sensor."

Qualitative Distinction (QD) modifiers allow flexibility in the RxNorm model to create a new RxNorm Concept Unique Identifier (RXCUI) when needed. A new "Evening Dosing" QD distinguishes certain methylphenidate products. A new "Sensor" QD is also included to identify drug products containing sensors.

As sensors in medications become more common, we have decided to use the "Sensor" QD modifier rather than create a new dose form for each new sensor-containing product. Please note that the "Oral Tablet with Sensor" dose form has been deleted starting with the June 2019 release.

The June 2019 release includes new QDs for the following active concepts:

2168866 SCD Evening Dosing 24 HR Methylphenidate Hydrochloride 20 MG Extended Release Oral Capsule
2168867 SBD Evening Dosing 24 HR Methylphenidate Hydrochloride 20 MG Extended Release Oral Capsule [Jornay]
2168868 SCD Evening Dosing 24 HR Methylphenidate Hydrochloride 40 MG Extended Release Oral Capsule
2168869 SBD Evening Dosing 24 HR Methylphenidate Hydrochloride 40 MG Extended Release Oral Capsule [Jornay]
2168857 SCD Evening Dosing 24 HR Methylphenidate Hydrochloride 60 MG Extended Release Oral Capsule
2168859 SBD Evening Dosing 24 HR Methylphenidate Hydrochloride 60 MG Extended Release Oral Capsule [Jornay]
2168861 SCD Evening Dosing 24 HR Methylphenidate Hydrochloride 80 MG Extended Release Oral Capsule
2168863 SBD Evening Dosing 24 HR Methylphenidate Hydrochloride 80 MG Extended Release Oral Capsule [Jornay]
2168864 SCD Evening Dosing 24 HR Methylphenidate Hydrochloride 100 MG Extended Release Oral Capsule
2168865 SBD Evening Dosing 24 HR Methylphenidate Hydrochloride 100 MG Extended Release Oral Capsule [Jornay]
2166796 SCD Sensor 200 ACTUAT Albuterol 0.09 MG/ACTUAT Dry Powder Inhaler
2166797 SBD Sensor 200 ACTUAT Albuterol 0.09 MG/ACTUAT Dry Powder Inhaler [ProAir]
1998454 SCD Sensor aripiprazole 2 MG Oral Tablet
1998457 SBD Sensor aripiprazole 2 MG Oral Tablet [Abilify]
1998462 SBD Sensor aripiprazole 5 MG Oral Tablet
1998463 SBD Sensor aripiprazole 5 MG Oral Tablet [Abilify]
1998451 SCD Sensor aripiprazole 10 MG Oral Tablet
1998453 SBD Sensor aripiprazole 10 MG Oral Tablet [Abilify]
1998454 SCD Sensor aripiprazole 15 MG Oral Tablet
1998455 SBD Sensor aripiprazole 15 MG Oral Tablet [Abilify]
1998458 SCD Sensor aripiprazole 20 MG Oral Tablet
1998459 SBD Sensor aripiprazole 20 MG Oral Tablet [Abilify]
1998460 SCD Sensor aripiprazole 30 MG Oral Tablet
1998461 SBD Sensor aripiprazole 30 MG Oral Tablet [Abilify]

For each SCD or SBD with a QD, there is an associated attribute in RXNSAT with the attribute name (ATN) of "RXN_QUALITATIVE_DISTINCTION." The June release contains the following new attribute value (ATV) to match the QD strings found in the SCD and SBD normalized names:

  • Evening Dosing
  • Sensor
NLM Technical Bulletin National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health