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OLDMEDLINE MeSH® Mapping Project - Update

December 12, 2007 [posted]

As announced in New Feature for OLDMEDLINE. NLM Tech Bull. 2005 Sep-Oct;(346):e1., NLM® began the OLDMEDLINE Other Term-to-MeSH mapping project in 2005. OLDMEDLINE Other Terms are the original subject headings assigned to citations when they appeared in the print indexes. This project maps those terms to current MeSH vocabulary which is then maintained each year during year-end processing. For this project, all MeSH headings are added as major MeSH headings.

Since our last report, another 9,644 occurrences of about 550 Other Terms were mapped to MeSH in October 2007; approximately 89% of all Other Term occurrences are now mapped.

There are 1.7 million citations that have the journal subset value of OM which is searched in PubMed using jsubsetom which means that the citations originated from the OLDMEDLINE data project. Of these, over 1.3 million have all of their Other Terms mapped to MeSH; this is about 77% of the citations, an increase of about another 8,000 citations or 1% since our last report. These citations are now MEDLINE records. See Changes to OLDMEDLINE Records – Status Tag Change, NLM Tech Bull, 2006 Sep-Oct; (352):e3. for more information on the OLDMEDLINE status tag change.

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