Updated NLM Gateway and ClinicalTrials.gov Training Manual and UMLS® Basics Slides Available
The recently updated edition of the NLM Gateway and ClinicalTrials.gov training workbook and updated Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS® ) Basics slides are now available on the National Library of Medicine® Web site. The NLM Gateway portion of the workbook reflects changes through August 2007. The ClinicalTrials.gov section is completely revised to reflect the newly redesigned user interface (see New Look for ClinicalTrials.gov. NLM Tech Bull. 2007 Sep-Oct; (358):e2). The UMLS Basics slides reflect changes since April 2007, including new information related to SNOMED CT and its effect on the UMLS license process.
The workbook is available for downloading in Portable Document Format (PDF) and Microsoft Word formats. The slides are available in PDF format. These materials correspond to the NLM National Training Center and Clearinghouse training courses.
Feel free to use any part of the workbook or slides. You may customize parts for training programs, demonstrations, or workshops you conduct. These resources are not copyrighted.
PubMed®, Toxicology and Environmental Health Web resources, and Molecular Biology Information Resources training materials are also available from this Web site.