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September 09, 2008 [posted]

Localizing PubMed® Health Services Research (HSR) Queries for Your Library

graphical image of the letter A

At the request of our users, the Health Services Research Queries (see Figure 1) now have a URL that can be customized to display your library holdings icon, to apply your library's Outside Tool (otool) icon, or to apply both to PubMed citations.

How to Use These URLs

The example in Figure 2 shows the library icon for the Mount Sinai Levy Library on the right and their Outside Tool icon below on the left.

The Levy Library icon links Levy Library patrons to the full-text of the article via their institutional subscription. Their Outside Tool (otool) icon, the Levy Library FIND IT button, on the left links users to customized library services, available through their link resolver (openURL-based service), e.g., print collection holdings or the ability to export citations into bibliographic management software. The Levy Library FIND IT service is described in an online guide and includes information about how the Library has seamlessly linked resources for their users, including linking from PubMed citations to their specialized library services.

For more information about the HSR Queries, see these NLM Technical Bulletin articles:

For more information about this feature for localizing PubMed in LinkOut, see the LinkOut Help section on [link removed] Localizing PubMed for Your Users.

Auston I. Localizing PubMed® Health Services Research (HSR) Queries for Your Library. NLM Tech Bull. 2008 Sep-Oct; (364):e1.

  2008 SEPTEMBER–OCTOBER No. 364  
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