Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) News: New SNOMED CT, CMT Downloads
SNOMED CT® Downloads
Route of Administration Subset, July 2011
The updated SNOMED CT Route of Administration (ROA) Subset is available for download from both the SNOMED CT and Downloads menus of the UMLS® Terminology Services (UTS). The ROA Subset is a set of terms related to the location of administration for clinical therapeutics. For more information, see SNOMED CT Route of Administration Subset.
US Extension, August 2011
The updated US Extension to SNOMED CT is available for download from both the SNOMED CT and Downloads menus of the UTS. For more information about the US Extension to SNOMED CT, see UMLS News from April 2011.
ICD-9-CM Cross Map Revision, October 2011
The October 2011 revision of the SNOMED CT to ICD-9-CM Cross Map is available for download. The Cross Map includes the most current ICD-9-CM additions and changes that will be effective October 1. Additionally this download includes data files in both Release Format 1 (RF1) and Release Format 2 (RF2) versions as SNOMED CT transitions to the new RF2 format.
Convergent Medical Terminology (CMT) Downloads
New Subsets Available
The Mental Health and Neurology Problem List Subsets from CMT are available for download. The Mental Health Problem List Subset includes 1,203 concepts used as Problem Lists in the Mental Health Specialty. The Neurology Problem List Subset includes 1,497 concepts used as Problem Lists in the Neurology Specialty. For more information about CMT, see UMLS News from April 2011 and Kaiser Permanente Opens Access to CMT to Support HHS Health IT Goals Frequently Asked Questions.

Wilder V. Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) News: New SNOMED CT, CMT Downloads. NLM Tech Bull. 2011 Sep-Oct;(382):e2.