October 11, 2011 [posted]
UMLS News: New Quick Tours
Three new Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) Quick Tours are now available. They cover features of both the UMLS Metathesaurus® License Agreement and the UMLS Terminology Services (UTS):
- Appendix 1: UMLS Source Vocabularies explains the contents of Appendix 1 of the license agreement and source vocabulary usage restrictions.
- Searching the UTS Metathesaurus Browser demonstrates the search capabilities of the UTS Metathesaurus Browser.
- Understanding Search Results in the UTS Metathesaurus Browser describes the search results obtained from the UTS Metathesaurus Browser.
Each new Quick Tour has a run time of five minutes.
To see other Quick Tours, visit the UMLS Quick Tours Web page. For additional UMLS training resources, visit the training and educational resources for UMLS users Web page.

Wilder V. UMLS News: New Quick Tours. NLM Tech Bull. 2011 Sep-Oct;(382):e11.