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National Library of Medicine Technical BulletinNational Library of Medicine Technical Bulletin

Table of Contents: 2023 SEPTEMBER–OCTOBER No. 454

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PubMed Update: GR Field Renamed From "Grant Number" to "Grants and Funding"

PubMed Update: GR Field Renamed From "Grant Number" to "Grants and Funding." NLM Tech Bull. 2023 Sep-Oct;(454):e3.

2023 September 21 [posted]

The GR field in PubMed has been renamed from "Grant Number" to "Grants and Funding" and a new section about grants and funding has been added to the PubMed User Guide. These updates to the field name and supporting documentation are being made to increase the overall transparency of funding information in PubMed. These updates do not affect searching in the GR field, and do not make any changes to the data contained in the GR field.

Screenshot of Grants and Funding section of PubMed Abstract page.
Figure 1: The "Grant Support" section on PubMed Abstract pages has been renamed "Grants and Funding."

Updated GR Field Name

The GR field has been renamed from "Grant Number" to "Grants and Funding" throughout the PubMed website and user guide. Additionally, the "Grant Support" section where GR field data is displayed on Abstract pages has been relabeled to "Grants and Funding" for consistency.

New "Grants and Funding" Section Added to PubMed User Guide

A new Grants and Funding section has been added to the PubMed User Guide to better document the variety of content in this field, increase transparency about how funding information is supplied to PubMed, and what to do if an error is identified by a PubMed user, author, or funder.

Searching for Grants and Funding Information

These updates do not make any changes to the data contained in the GR field. You can continue searching for data in the GR field using the search field tag abbreviation [GR] or using the new search field tag [Grants and Funding]. The field tag [Grant Number] now automatically maps to [Grants and Funding], so searches including this field tag will continue to work seamlessly.

For information about searching in the GR field, please see the PubMed User Guide: Grants and funding [gr]. This section of the User Guide has also been updated to be more concise and user friendly.

NLM Technical Bulletin National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health