Banner featuring Arabic calligraphy in dark blue ink above the words Islamic Medical Manuscripts at the National Library of Medicine written in burgundy ink.

Concordance A 1 - A 29.1


Manuscript Descriptions

A 1
Kitāb Ādāb mā yatakarraru fī al-yawm wa-al-laylah min al-akl wa-al-shurb wa-al-du‘ā’ wa-al-nawm (Proper conduct in Eating, Drinking, Praying, and Sleeping, which repeat day and night) كتاب آداب ما يتكرر فى اليوم واليله من الاكل والشرب والدعاء والنوم by Amad ibn ‘Imād al-Dīn ibn Muammad al-Aqfahsī احمد ابن عماد الدين ابن مجمد الاقفهسى
A 1.1
A 2
al-Ashi‘ah al-bāriqah bi-l-anwār al-shāriqah fī awāl al-nafs al-nāiqah (The Rays Gleaming with Radiating Lights Concerning the States of the Rational Soul) الاشعه البارقه بالانوار الشارقه فى احوال النفس الناطقه by Abū al-Baqā’ al-Amadī al-Shāfi‘ī ابو البقاء الاحمدى الشافعى
A 3/I
  • Item 1 Aqrabadhin (Formulary) كتاب القراباذين by Amīn al‑Dawlah Abū al‑asan Hibat Allāh Ibn al-Tilmīdh امين الدوله ابو الحسن هبة الله ابن التلميذ
  • Item 2 ifat al-tiryāq al-akbar (Recipe for the Great Theriac) صفة الترياق الاكبر, anonymous
A 3/II
  • Item 1 al-Risālah al-Shāfiyah fi adwiyat al-nisyān (The Salutory Treatise on Drugs for Forgetfulness) الرسالة الشافية فى ادوية النسيان or al-Maqālah al-Shāfiyah al-wajīzah fī al-ashyā’ allatī tufīdu al-ifz wa-tamna‘u al-nisyān wa-tajūdu al-dhihn wa-tafazu al-iah (The Concise Salutory Chapter on Things Which Benefit the Retention of Memory and Prevent Forgetfulness and Improve the Intellect and Preserve Soundness [of Mind]) المقالة الشافية الوجيزة فى الاشياء التى تفيد الحفظ وتمنع النسيان وتجود الذهن وتحفظ الصحة by Isāq ibn unayn اسحق ابن حنين
  • Item 2 Kitāb al-Aqrābādhīn (Book on Compound Remedies) كتاب الاقراباذين by Abū Bakr āmid Ibn Samajūn ابو بكر حامد ابن سمجون
  • Item 3 Fawā’id min Kitāb Tadqīq al-nazar fī ‘ilm āssat al-baar (Useful Lessons from the Book "Accuracy of Examination into Knowledge of the Sense of Vision") فوائد من كتاب تدقيق النظر فى علم حاسة البصر by ‘Abd al-Karīm Ibn Wāfid al-Lakhmī عبد الكريم ابن وافد اللخمى
A 4
Aqrābādhīn al-khayl (Formulary for the Horse) اقراباذين طب الخيل, anonymous
A 5
Asrār al-‘ilāj / Risālah Dhakhīrah wa-‘ujālah ‘azīzah (The Secrets of Curing / Memorandum Book and Notable Jottings) اسرار العلاج / رساله ذخيرة وعجالة عزيزة by Mīrzā ‘Alī ميرزا على
A 6
A 7
Kitāb al-Burhān fī asrār ‘ilm al-mīzān (The Book of the Proof Regarding the Secrets of the Science of the Balance) كتاب البرهان فى اسرار علم الميزان by ‘Izz al-Dīn Aydamir ibn ‘Abd Allāh al-Jaldakī عز الدين ايدمر ابن عبد الله الجلدكى
A 8
Kitāb Bustān al-aibbā’ wa-rawa al-alibbā’ (The Garden of the Physicians and the Meadows of the Wise) كتاب بستان الاطباء وروضه الالباء by Muwaffaq al-Dīn Abū Nar As‘ad ibn Ilyās Ibn al-Murān موفق الدين ابو نصر اسعد ابن الياس ابن المطران
A 9
al-Dastūr al-Jalālī (Jalal's Book of Rules) الدستور الجلالى by Jalāl al-Dīn Muammad al-abīb al-Ifahānī جلال الدين محمد الطبيب الاصفهانى
A 10
Fawā’id al-asanīyah fī al-mujarrabāt al-ibbīyah (Useful Information for al-Hasan on Tested Medical Remedies) فوائد الحسنية فى المجربات الطبية by Muammad ibn Thālib (ibn ‘Abd Allāh ibn Ni‘mat Allāh ibn adr al-Dīn ibn al-shaykh Bahā’ al-Dīn) al-Shīrāzī محمد ابن ثالب ابن عبد الله ابن نعمة الله ابن صدر الدين ابن الشيخ بهاء الدين الشيرازى
A 11
Kitāb al-Ghiná wa-al-muná (The Book of Wealth and Wishes) كتاب الغنى والمنى by Abu Manūr al-asan ibn Nū al-Qumrī ابو منصور الحسن ابن نوح القمرى
A 12
Ghāyat al-itqān fī tadbīr badan al-insān (The Culmination of Perfection in the Treatment of the Human Body) غاية الاتقان فى تدبير بدن الانسان by āli ibn Nar Allāh al-alabī Ibn Sallūm صالح ابن نصر الله ابن سلوم الحلبى
A 13
Ghāyat al-itqān fī tadbīr badan al-insān (The Culmination of Perfection in the Treatment of the Human Body) غاية الاتقان فى تدبير بدن الانسان by āli ibn Nar Allāh al-alabī Ibn Sallūm صالح ابن نصر الله ابن سلوم الحلبى
A 14
Ghāyat al-surur fi sharh dīwān Shudhūr al-dhahab (The Acme of Pleasure in the Commentary on the Poems 'Nuggets of Gold') غياة فى شرح ديوان شذور الذهب by ‘Izz al-Dīn Aydamir ibn ‘Abd Allāh al-Jaldakī عز الدين ايدمر ابن عبد الله الجلدكى
A 15
Kitāb Ghayhāt al-umniyāt fī ma‘rifat al-ummayāt (The Most That Could be Desired Concerning the Knowledge of Fevers) كتاب غياة الامنيات فى معرفة الحميات, anonymous
A 16
A 17
Kitāb al-āwī fī al-ibb (The Comprehensive Book on Medicine) كتاب الحاوى فى الطب by Abū Bakr Muammad ibn Zakarīyā’ al-Rāzī ابو بكر محمد ابن زكرياء الرازى
A 18
Kitāb al-āwī fī ‘ilm al-tadāwī (The Comprehesive Book on the Art of Curing) كتاب الحاوى فى علم التداوى by Mamūd ibn iyā’ al-Dīn Ilyās Najm al-Din al-Shirazi نحم الدين محمود ابن ضياء الدين الياس الشيرازى
A 18.1
Kitāb al-āwī fī ‘ilm al-tadāwī (The Comprehesive Book on the Art of Curing) كتاب الحاوى فى علم التداوى by Mamūd ibn iyā’ al-Dīn Ilyās Najm al-Din al-Shirazi نحم الدين محمود ابن ضياء الدين الياس الشيرازى
A 19
Kitāb ayāt al-ayawān (The Life of Animals) كتاب حياة الحيوان by Muammad ibn Mūsá al-Damīrī محمد ابن موسى الدميرى
A 19.1
Risālah fī ukm al-siwāk (Essay on the Regimen of the Toothbrush) رسالة فى حكم السواك by Muammad al-Āqkirmānī محمد الاقكرمانى
A 20
I‘lām arbāb al-qarīah bi-l-adwiyah al-aīah (The Teaching of Those with Talent about the Reliable Medicaments) اعلام ارباب القريحه بالادويه الصحيحه by Amad ibn Qāsim ibn Muammad Sāsī al-Būnī al-Tamīmī احمد ابن قاسم ابن محمد ساسى البونى التميمى
A 21
‘Ilm al-ābī‘īyāt al-insānīyah (The Science of Human Constitutions) علم الطبيعيات الانسانية, anonymous
A 22
al-Irshād li-maāli al-anfus wa-al-ajsād (Guidance for the Welfare of Souls and Bodies) الارشاد لمصالح الانفس والاجساد by Abū al-Makārim Hibat Allāh Ibn Jumay‘ al-Isrā’īlī ابو المكارم هبة الله ابن جميع الاسرائيلى
A 23
Istibār fī ‘ilāj amrā al-abār (Reflection on the Treatment of Ocular Diseases) استبصار فى علاج امراض الابصار by Ibrāhīm ibn Abī ālib ibn ‘Alī al-anafī ابراهيم ابن ابى طالب ابن على الحنفى
A 24
al-Jawhar al-nafīs fī shar urjūzah al-Shaykh al-Ra’īs (The Precious Gem in Commenting upon the Poem of Shaykh al-Ra'is (Avicenna)) جوهر النفيس في شرح ارجوزة الشيخ الرئيس by Mūsá ibn Ibrāhīm (ibn Mūsá ibn Muammad) al-Baghdādī موسى ابن ابراهيم ابن موسى ابن محمد البغدادى
A 25
al-Kāfī fī inā‘at ibb (What is Sufficient for the Medical Art) كتاب الكافى فى صناعه الطب by Abū Nar ‘Adnān ibn Nar al-‘Aynzarbī ابو نصر عدنان ابن نصر العينزربى
A 26
Kitāb Kāmil al-inā‘ah al-ibbīyah (The Complete Book of the Medical Art) كتاب كامل الصناعه الطبيه المعروف بالملكى also known as Kitāb al-Malikī (The Royal Book) by ‘Alī ibn al-‘Abbās al-Majūsī على ابن العباس المجوسى
A 26.1
Kitāb Kāmil al-inā‘ah al-ibbīyah (The Complete Book of the Medical Art) كتاب كامل الصناعه الطبيه المعروف بالملكى also known as Kitāb al-Malikī (The Royal Book) by ‘Alī ibn al-‘Abbās al-Majūsī على ابن العباس المجوسى
A 27
A 28
Kitāb al-Manūrī fī al-ibb (The Book on Medicine for Mansur) كتاب المنصورى فى الطب by Abū Bakr Muammad ibn Zakarīyā’ al-Rāzī ابو بكر محمد ابن زكرياء الرازى
A 29
Kitāb al-Ramah fī al-ibb wa-al-ikmah (The Book of Mercy Concerned with Medicine and Wisdom) كتاب الرحمه فى الطب والحكمه by Muammad al-Mahdawī ibn ‘Alī ibn Ibrāhīm al-anawbarī محمد مهدى ابن على ابن ابراهيم الصنوبرى
A 29.1
Kitāb al-‘Umdah al-kulīyah fī al-amrā al-baarīyah or al-‘Umdah al-nuriyah fī al-amrā al-baarīyah (The Ophthalmological Principle in Diseases of the Visual System) كتاب العمدة الكحلية فى المراض البصرية by adaqah ibn Ibrāhīm (al-anafī al-Mirī) al-Shadhilī صدقه ابن ابراهيم الشذلى الحنفى المصرى
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