Module 1: Foundations of MeSH in MEDLINE®

MeSH Terms in a PubMed Citation

When using PubMed to search for article citations, you can view the MeSH terms that are tagged to that citation (as long as that citation came from MEDLINE). For MEDLINE-associated citations, the PubMed record has a “MeSH terms” section.

For example, view the record for “The meaning of blood pressure” ( .

PubMed screenshot from The Meaning of Blood Pressure citation

You can either scroll down the page or click on the Page Navigation link to jump to “MeSH terms.”

PubMed screenshot from The Meaning of Blood Pressure citation showing the Page Navigation with Mesh Terms link highlighted

Note the different MeSH terms this article is tagged with. There are several heart and health categories, as well as one for “Humans.”

PubMed screenshot from The Meaning of Blood Pressure citation showing MeSH terms (Blood Pressure / physiology*, Blood Pressure Determination / methods, Cardiac Output / drug effects, Cardiac Output / physiology*, Humans, Monitoring, Physiologic / methods, Monitoring, Physiologic / trends)

Other article citations concerned with blood pressure will be tagged with some or all of these descriptors, such as the article “Minimally invasive monitoring” ( ). Several of the same MeSH terms are associated with both articles.

PubMed screenshot from The Meaning of Blood Pressure citation showing MeSH terms (Blood Pressure / physiology*, Cardiac Output / physiology*, Hemodynamics / physiology*, Humans, Monitoring, Physiologic / instrumentation*, Monitoring, Physiologic / methods*, Photoplethysmography*)