Module 1: Foundations of MeSH in MEDLINE®

MeSH Tree Structure

MeSH Database

You can see these MeSH hierarchies in the MeSH Database . The database allows you to:

  • Locate and select MeSH terms (Headings, Subheadings, Supplementary Concept Records, and Publication Types) for use in PubMed searches
  • See the definition and other helpful information for a MeSH term
  • Locate the date when a term was first used for indexing
  • See the position of MeSH terms in the hierarchy
  • Select MeSH heading/subheading combinations to build a PubMed search

As an example, view the MeSH Database page for the term Neoplasms ( ). We will explore using the MeSH Database in more detail in later modules, but for now, just be aware that there is a tool to help you explore MeSH terms.

Screen shot of Neoplasms MeSH Database page